NEON, Inc. a not-for-propfit corporation, proposes a television series for children, initiallyu 30 programs, suitable for daily or weekly broadcast, for home viewing via PBSA (with appropriate availability elsewhere). Program length: 30 Minutes. The premise: Three Wufniks--creatures from the cartoom world--draw their way into our world and with the help of children, undertake the adventure of finding our what it's all about. Thesek characters (played by adult professional performers in structurally sophisticated fantasy/animal costumes), move from dthe uncertain world of animated film into a range of encounters with ourrock-solid environment, get to know children and adults, scientists and laypeople, and must continually reconstruct their naive theories and their image of life on earth. The concept, designed to appeal to five- to nine-olds, combines education with entertainment (and is inclusive of other age groups, such as parents, to enhance educational effect). School and other non-broadcast distribution of program elements is planned, plus ancillary materials including computer software and print. The educational approach is interdisciplinary, with emphasis both on content and the development of positive attitudes towards science and mathematics; sub-objectives geography and history. The Principal Investigators are a television producer experienced in science programming for children, and a scientist with extensive children's educational television background. Program appeal for girls and minorities is integarl to the design; project staff will also cover a broad spectrum. Encouragement of science-and math-related audience activities is a project objective. Planning includesds extensive outreach and promotion related to the show premise.
Blackside, Inc. is producing a television series and an outreach component about minority scientists. The goals of the six-hour prime-time series, "Breakthrough: People of Color in Science," are to raise the consciousness of the general public that is largely unaware of the significant contribution of scientists of color and to provide role models that will encourage young people to consider science and engineering careers. The programs will feature the work of contemporary African-American, Latino and Native American scientists and engineers who are active in cell biology, astrophysics, applied mathematics and other fields of science. The stories of their scientific achievements will present both women and men, old and young, at different stages of their careers, and will explore the professional, educational and social worlds they live and work in. Viewers will have immediate access to a comprehensive follow-up effort that will connect them with local, regional and national opportunities in informal science education. Blackside will collect information from existing resources and institutions as well using source material from several extensively researched databases geared toward minority students. Using all of this information, Blackside will create a metadatabase that will connect teachers, parents, mentors, and students to a rich variety of educational programs: extracurricular classes, mentoring programs, national science contests, teacher training workshops, and a myriad of on-line services. To ensure immediate access and, where possible, to customize the information to viewers needs, Blackside will disseminate it through a variety of means: an 800-number with a direct fax-back capability, an on-line service, a CD-ROM, and a printed packet delivered by mail. A principal target audience is gatekeepers in students' lives: parents, teachers, and scientists interested in becoming mentors. The target audience also includes students from fourth th rough twelfth grades. Joseph Blatt will serve a PI for this project and co-executive producer for the television series. His previous experience include serving as executive producer of "Scientific American FRONTIERS" and as a producer/director for several NOVA programs. He also has been executive producer for three television series/college credit courses in mathematics. Henry Hampton will be the other co-executive producer. He was the creator and executive producer of the 14-hour, award winning series, "Eyes on the Prize," about America's civil rights movement. The principal educational consultant will be Ceasar McDowell, assistant professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Michael Ambrosino, the original executive producer of NOVA, will be the principal science television consultant.
Wisconsin Public Broadcast will incorporate a science strand in "Get Real!," their television series for children 8-12 year olds in Wisconsin. The series presents positive images of children involved in, and succeeding at, a variety of areas. The Wisconsin-based stories are field-produced; and kids are involved on-screen and off as hosts, reporters, subjects of stories, as interns during production, and as sources of story ideas. The series is broadcast on both public and commercial stations in Wisconsin and receives multiple repeats. The science and technology strand: . connects science concepts to children's known experiences and activities and tells stories about kids involved in science-related activities; . models and reinforces positive attitudes towards, and involvement in science and technology and affirms the value of children's ideas, and the importance of asking why?; and . reinforces viewers' active connection to the science content by making suggestions for projects to get involved with, and by encouraging children to discuss and question their knowledge of science and the world around them. The series is an important element integrated into both informal and formal education throughout Wisconsin. It is supported by teacher materials and science video segments that are sent to every elementary school in Wisconsin. In season two, material also will be created for parents and children to use at home. A "Get Real!" kids club helps kids feel ownership of the series. Members receive a newsletter that includes suggested at-home science activities, book lists related to the series, features about the show, places for families to visit, and behind-the-scenes articles about kids in the series. Every elementary school library and public library in the state also received "Get Real!" materials including a poster and display items. James Steinback, the creator, original producer, and executive producer of "Newton's Apple," will be the co-PI with overall responsibility for the project. Kathy Bissen will be executive producer of "Get Real!" and David Wallach will be series producer. The series is produced in the three Wisconsin Public Television studios -- in Madison, Green Bay, and Menomonie -- and, therefore, can find and produce statewide stories.
The Self Reliance Foundation is requesting a $50,000 grant to plan a nationally broadcast Spanish language outreach program for science and environmental education in cooperation with the Hispanic Radio Network (HRN). HRN currently produce and distribute two Spanish language radio programs. Their plan is to incorporate into these programs information about ways parents and other adults can help children improve their math and science skills; about educational resources, scholarships, and career opportunities in the sciences; about the importance of science in everyday lives; and other information on current topics in science and the environment. Special attention will be paid to information relevant to Hispanic migrant workers. The PI for the planning grant will be Jeff Kline, General Manager of HRN. Key HRN staff to be involved in the planning include Consuelo Luz, producer of "Buscando la Belleze," and Enrique Gil, co-producer of "Salvemos Nuestro Planeta. Vincente Llamas, Principal Investigator for the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities in Las Vegas will be a principal consultant.
National Public Radio is seeking to expand its coverage of scientific issues in two ways: through the creation of a new Environmental Reporting Unit, and through the introduction of SCIENCE FRIDAY, a two hour call-in talk show dedicated to scientific issues. Each of these projects will be supported by an extensive outreach effort targeted at local schools, community groups, science museums, and nature centers. Through the Environmental Reporting Unit, NPR plans to produce eight to ten half hour documentary reports per year on critical environmental issues. Each of these reports will be available to listeners on cassette and will be accompanied by supporting documentation. The SCIENCE FRIDAY team will engage NPR's audience in a lively debate on questions ranging from nuclear physics to archaeology. In addition, SCIENCE FRIDAY will travel to high schools and museums across the country and engage in question and answer sessions with students, teachers, parents and school administrators. These "on the road" segments will be supplemented by live broadcasts from annual meetings of the National Association for Science (NAS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Through these efforts, NPR will be able to draw listener attention to the need for improved science and mathematics education, while helping listeners make informed evaluations of current public policy in these areas.
BACKYARD SAFARI (Working Title) is an engaging series of 26 half hour programs designed to introduce topics in Natural Science to children ages four to six. The series will be shot on-location and hosted by an appealing young women of color, who will serve as a role model to female and minority children who are normally disenfranchised from participation in science. A variety of settings and topics will be used that appeal to all preschoolers -- from urban/inner cities to surburbia to Appalachia. A special feature of the series will be an animated gnome - like character called Crinkleroot. Using the rotoscope technique similar to that in the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", Crinklroot will interact in screen with the host and special, acquired footage. Thus, Crinkleroot is able to do things the host can't do -- for example, interacting with time-lapse photography as a flower blooms, or as a spider climbs its web. Outreach to parents and childcare providers will be an important part of BACKYARD SAFARI. It is imperative to communicate that all children, regardless of race, sex, or disability are "science material." Activities will be developed that engage adults and children in hands-on, physical science activities using materials commonly found in any home or school.
Twila LiggettCecily TruettLaurence LancitBarbara Flagg
KCTS has received support for the production and outreach for the second season of 'Bill Nye the Science Guy.' Each program in the 39 program series will focus on a single science theme developed around two or three learning outcomes and is presented with a fast and colorful pace and style suited for today's generation of nine and ten year old viewers. The host, Bill Nye, joins viewers and guests as they explore science topics in his laboratories and in field locations. Children also will perform on-camera experiments in a home setting. In most shows, guest scientists and celebrities, selected to ensure a diverse representation, will be featured. Segments in the programs include: 'Check it Out' a small experiment performed in the lab or at home by child actors. 'Try This at Home' an experiment viewers may attempt at home after receiving instructions on the air. 'Way Cool Scientist' a scientist demonstrating his or her work as it relates to the topic of the program. 'Music Video Parody' video tailored to popular music genres such as rap or 'grunge' or pop music. 'Consider the Following' Bill presents a concept to the viewer in a one on one segment. 'Big Demonstration' Bill, in the laboratory, uses equipment to demonstrate an element of the theme. 'Celebrity Cameos' featuring both teen and adult celebrities with a high recognition factor. 'Fake commercials' like the music videos, humor ous parodies of advertising. Outreach for the second season will include a quarterly newsletter to be mailed to viewers homes. This eight page newsletter will include regular columns such as 'Ask Bill' and 'Try this at Home.' It will be designed to appeal to children ages 8 to 12 and will contain a column for parents. During the second season, at-home science kits will again be available to viewers. These free kits will enable children and their families to perform scientific experiments together at home. The video series will be produced by McKenna/Gottlieb Producers Inc. and KCTS Television and will be syndicated for broadcast by Buena Vista Television (the syndication division of Disney Productions). The second season also will be broadcast daily on PBS. This will give the series a presence on both public broadcasting and on commercial television in many markets. Buena Vista Television will provide $3,000,000 toward the production budget and PBS will provide $2,000,000 for production. KCTS is seeking a corporate underwriter to provide $1,000,000 for additional outreach and promotion. Elizabeth Brock of KCTS will be Executive in Charge of the project. Bill Nye is the principal science writer for the series as well as host of the series. The series producers will be Erren Gottlieb and James E. McKenna. These four people will serve as Co-PI's of the project. The advisory committee consists of scientists, science educators, evaluators, and curriculum developers. Members include: H. Prentice Baptiste, Arthur B. Ellis, Caroline Herzenberg, Gilbert S. Omenn, Senta A. Raizen, Matthew H. Schneps, Paul H. Williams, Carole Ann Kubota, and Sally Luttrell-Montes.
Elizabeth BrockWilliam NyeJames McKennaErren Gottlieb
Community Television of Southern California (KCET/Los Angeles) proposes to create a national television series supported by outreach activities designed to motivate parents to participate in and support children's learning and enjoyment of mathematics. This proposal requests National Science Foundation funding of $1 million towards a total twenty-two month project costing approximately $1.7 million. The proposed television series Math Smart (working title) will include 5 lively half-hour programs designed specifically to aid parents and other adult family members of children in first through third grade. The series will be offered for broadcast nationally on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). Videocassettes of the series and an accompanying Resource Guide will also be made available for home use. National promotional and outreach activities will complement the PBS broadcast, including presentations of national educational conferences and one-day orientation workshops for parents and teachers at selected sites. Over the course of the project, process and outcome evaluation will be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the MATH SMART materials and activities. The primary goal of the MATH SMART Project is to empower parents to participate in and reinforce the learning of mathematics and a vital par t of everyday life. It is from parents that children develop the foundation for their educational success. Unfortunately, many parents do not possess the mathematical skills or confidence needed to help their children. By providing examples of hands-on learning activities which families can do together at home, MATh SMART offers parents the tools to help excite young children about mathematics. While special emphasis will be given to encouraging minority participation, this project seeks to help all parents and other primary caretakers prepare children for the 21st century.
Reading Rainbow is an eighty (80) part PBS children's series (15 of which are science programs) that entices children five to eight years old to read good books, thus addressing the national tragedy of more and more young Americans reading less and less. The Emmy award winning series employs television to sell the joy of science and reading to young viewers. This proposal seeks funding for five additional Reading Rainbow programs which will focus on scientific themes. These programs will be added to the previously funded science programs (22) to become part of the on-going series in demonstrating to children how science is integrated into all aspects of our lives. The Reading Rainbow series premiered in the summer of l983 to phenomenal critical and popular acclaim. In the fall of 1990, Reading Rainbow expanded ta a year round, daily schedule-- after having spent seven years as a summer series. According to formal studies, the science shows are of great interest to children and pique children's interest in related science topics and books. The series is no in its tenth season and its popularity has grown among young viewers as well as with parents.
BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY is a half-hour, weekly children's science education series produced in Seattle, Washington by McKenna/Gottlieb Producers Inc. and KCTS Television in association with Rabbit Ears Production. The series is designed to make science assessable and interesting to children in the of forth and fifth grades by relating science at the interests and everyday activities of children and presenting basic concepts from elementary science curricula in a humorous and exciting format. Programs are set in a variety of studio and field locations and utilize special effects and the creative techniques of host Bill Nye, a popular television entertainer and science aficionado. In each program, studio demonstrations/experiments and field segments feature Nye and a diverse cast of children, scientists and celebrity guests. Experiments and demonstrations use inexpensive, safe household items to enable viewers to follow along at home or in the classroom. As part of the promotion and outreach for the series, ancillary materials such as a teacher's guide, parent's guide, activity packages and newsletters will be developed and made available to schools as well as in the home and such informal setting as community centers, libraries, and clubs.
Elizabeth BrockWilliam NyeJames McKennaErren Gottlieb
Nebraskans for Public Television are producing three programs in the "Reading Rainbow" series that focus on mathematics and developing and implementing a special math outreach effort aimed at parents with a secondary audience of teachers. The programs will take a literature-based approach to mathematics which helps make it possible ". . . for children to have the same authentic experiences with math that they are coming to have with language, social studies, science and the arts." (Read Any good Math Lately? by Whitin and Wilde). The goal of the project is to expand the impact of the "Reading Rainbow" series by: - integrating quality math-oriented books with science and literary selections into the series, and - making quality children's math-oriented books more visible to parents, public librarians, and teachers and to engage children's interest in reading about and exploring math in the real world. The outreach effort will develop a special math effort directed to parents, children, and teachers. A special publication for parents and a teacher guide will be created for the new math-focused programs. The producers will work with the Family Math Project at the Lawrence Hall of Science in training parents and children and will also direct community outreach efforts towards economically and socially disadvantaged families. This effort will engage these families in math related activities through partnerships with community-based organizations and local public television stations involved in PBS's Ready to Learn Project. Partnership organizations include the National Council for Teachers of Math, Girls Inc, The Connecticut Academy for Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, EQUALS Family Math Project, and the Weekly Reader Corporation. "Reading Rainbow" partnerships also have been established between three SSI's -- Louisiana, Michigan, and Ohio -- and PBS stations in those states.
The Self Reliance Foundation in association with the Hispanic Radio Network over a five year period will produce and distribute a variety of daily Spanish-language radio programs on science education topics and follow-up outreach services to network listeners on science education and career opportunities. The applicants will add two science related episodes each week to Buscando La Belleza, the four-minute daily radio series for families that focuses on social issues, work issues, women's rights, and educational and career opportunities. It is carried on 100 stations with a weekly cumulative audience of 2,567,000 listeners. The new episodes will include: 52 role model interviews with Hispanic men and women who have careers in science, mathematics, and technology from technical positions not requiring a college degree to Ph.D.'s engaged in cutting edge research; 26 family involvement episodes with suggestions for parents to build their confidence in helping their children with homework, doing simple science activities with their children at home, encouraging their older children in their studies, and working with schools and community organizations; and 26 academic and career resource/success stories highlighting Hispanic students who have been successful in their pursuit of careers in science, mathematics, and technology. The second series included under the grant is Salvemos Nuestro Planeta, a two-and-a-half minute series that focuses on environmental issues. It currently is carried on 89 radio stations twice a week with a total weekly cumulative audience of 2,494,300. The producers will expand the series to seven original episodes per week with five episodes focusing on science, mathematics, and technology themes: general science literacy, environmental management and technology, computers and information technology, environmental activities for youth, and SMET career opportunities. Outreach will consist of a national Spanish language toll free phone number that will refer listeners to resources related to opportunities for scholarships in science and engineering, activities and resources for parents and children in science education, etc., and in some cases, connect callers to the subject of that days interview. The PI will be Roberto Salazar who has been chief assistant to Vicente Llamas at the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities. He has been involved in numerous science education project for Hispanics and has a background in radio. The Executive Producer will be Jeff Kline. Major science consultants will be Vicente Llamas, Director of the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities, and Estrella Triana, Hispanic Science Education Director for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Roberto SalazarGilbert SanchezRobert Russell