This paper examines the summative evaluations of two exhibits at the Please Touch Museum: "Foodtastic Journey" and "Gateway to China". By contrasting and comparing the most and least engaging components of these two exhibits, a theoretical framework is being built for assessing the effectiveness of exhibits for young children.
NEON, Inc. a not-for-propfit corporation, proposes a television series for children, initiallyu 30 programs, suitable for daily or weekly broadcast, for home viewing via PBSA (with appropriate availability elsewhere). Program length: 30 Minutes. The premise: Three Wufniks--creatures from the cartoom world--draw their way into our world and with the help of children, undertake the adventure of finding our what it's all about. Thesek characters (played by adult professional performers in structurally sophisticated fantasy/animal costumes), move from dthe uncertain world of animated film into a range of encounters with ourrock-solid environment, get to know children and adults, scientists and laypeople, and must continually reconstruct their naive theories and their image of life on earth. The concept, designed to appeal to five- to nine-olds, combines education with entertainment (and is inclusive of other age groups, such as parents, to enhance educational effect). School and other non-broadcast distribution of program elements is planned, plus ancillary materials including computer software and print. The educational approach is interdisciplinary, with emphasis both on content and the development of positive attitudes towards science and mathematics; sub-objectives geography and history. The Principal Investigators are a television producer experienced in science programming for children, and a scientist with extensive children's educational television background. Program appeal for girls and minorities is integarl to the design; project staff will also cover a broad spectrum. Encouragement of science-and math-related audience activities is a project objective. Planning includesds extensive outreach and promotion related to the show premise.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research NNCAR) is developing a traveling interactive exhibit to parallel the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) deployment of Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWR) at 47 airports across the United States. This exhibit, titled "Burstbusters Taming Weather Hazards to Aviation," will describe how the hazardous weather phenomena were identifies, how technology was utilized to create a system to detect and predict them, and how the new system will operate at airports to enhance safety and air traffic efficiency. large groups of the population not routinely exposed to science issues will be presented with this case study as an example of how public science funding can directly affect their lives. The exhibit will capitalize on this linkage to increase public literacy about the science and technology processes and to promote parental advocacy of science education for their children. Two copies of the exhibit will travel to approximately 20 airport terminals and science museums from June 1993 through September 1995.