This poster, which was presented at the Association of Science and Technology Centers Annual Conference on October 22, 2017, compares and contrasts evaluation findings across components of the Beyond Spaceship Earth project at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. The project focuses on educating families and students about life and work aboard the International Space Station and generating interest in STEM topics and careers. Project components reviewed include an exhibit, a space object theater, and workshop-style programs focused on engineering and robotics for both families and school
The Boston Schools Environmental Initiative (BSEI) program worked with several Boston Public schools to foster “hands-on, minds-on” science and environmental awareness. The overall finding from this evaluation, conducted over four academic years, was that the longer a school participated in the BSEI program, the more the culture and operations of the school changed in the direction of the intended BSEI outcomes. BSEI is a program of Mass Audubon’s Boston Nature Center (BNC), which places a teacher naturalist part time in each school, and provides ongoing professional development and project
The Flathead Community of Resource Educators (CORE) is a consortium of educators in the Flathead Watershed. They produced the Flathead Watershed Sourcebook as a tool to increase understanding and appreciation of the region. The objective of this project is to produce a curriculum guide to accompany the Sourcebook. This curriculum project will be carried out by a team of experts in interdisciplinary teacher education from Montana State University. The project will be conducted in four phases and include the guidance and feedback of Scientists, Educators, and Resource Managers living and working within the Flathead watershed.
To quantify how much of the night sky has been lost to light pollution, students in grades 3-8 compare their backyard view of Orion to six star charts of the constellation with varying limiting magnitudes. Using thousands of observations from across the local community, teams of students from individual schools plot the collective results by constructing a 3D model out of LEGO blocks. Beforehand, all teachers integrate some aspect of the topic in their regular classroom instruction. The website offers supporting lessons, resources, and ideas for teachers and families alike.
Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation
This summative evaluation of the University of Washington Botany Greenhouse K-12 Education Outreach Program analyzed the contents of 468 thank-you notes written by program participants using the National Science Foundation’s Framework for Evaluating Impacts of Informal Science Education Projects. Strong evidence was found for impacts in three STEM learning categories: Awareness, Knowledge or Understanding, Engagement or Interest, and Skills.