The critically acclaimed film "STAND AND DELIVER" accomplished the formidable task of focusing national attention on the achievements of minority students in higher mathematics. As a motivational tool for educators, the film's value can hardly be overstated. "STAND AND DELIVER" will now have a second life as a play for the stage. The intimate human drama of the story of Jaime Escalante and his inner city A.P. calculus class will be re- written and confined to one set - a classroom - making it a natural for the theatre. Best of all, junior and senior high schools already have the resources to stage a first-rate production. Since almost all the roles depict students and teachers, "STAND AND DELIVER" should be a natural choice for school drama clubs across the country. The transformation of the movie into a play will take place in three stages: First, the screenplay is adapted into a stage play. Second, the initial stage production is mounted. Third, the play is published and made available to schools and theatre companies for local performances.
The Children's Museum of Manhatten is requesting $267,220 over two years to create a 2,500 sq.ft. interactive exhibition about the physical and acoustic properties of sound. The exhibition will use music as a high-interest point of entry into learning about science, and also as a demonstration of science as part of our everyday lives. The entire exhibit will be displayed for two years. Certain elements will then be retired, others displayed indefinitely. Target audience is children in kindergarten through sixth grades.