OUTSIDE: Over Under and Through: Students Informally Discover the Environment will focus on conducting a pilot study of our informal environmental education nature program designed for underrepresented middle school students in Mississippi. We have partnered with the University of Southern Mississippi's (USM) well-established Biological Sciences Learning Center (BSLC) and newly developed Lake Thoreau Environmental Center (LTEC), the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science and the Hattiesburg Public School District (HPSD). We are focused on reaching two target populations of participants: future naturalists and underrepresented middle school students. During this pilot, we are training volunteer naturalists to lead engaging, inquiry-driven informal environmental education programs designed to immerse middle school students in nature. We have developed a training program for volunteer naturalists and captured patterns in learning and interactions between students and naturalists during OUTSIDE programming.
Tornado Alley is a large-format 2D/3D film and comprehensive outreach program exploring the science behind severe weather events. The project focuses on cutting-edge developments in the fields of meteorology and earth science, demonstrating weather monitoring technologies. The project spotlights the current research of the VORTEX 2 (V2) project--the most ambitious effort ever to understand the origins, structure and evolution of tornadoes. The principle target audiences are science museum audiences, with additional special attention to under-served, rural mid-western communities, which will be served by digital 3D screenings. The film will be produced by Graphic Films and Giant Screen Films and distributed by Giant Screen Films. The Franklin Institute will create and manage outreach to professional audiences. Informal Learning Solutions will conduct formative evaluation; RMC Research Corporation will conduct summative evaluation of the project. The film, produced by Paul Novros (PI) and directed by Sean Casey, will collaborate closely with the V2 team, led by Dr. Josh Wurman, and consult with the project advisors to assure clarity and accuracy of the science being presented. A distance-learning initiative to serve educators--both formal and informal--will be managed by Karen Elinich (co-PI) of The Franklin Institute. The project's innovative outreach strategies leverage the mobility of the tornado intercept vehicle (TIV) built by Sean Casey, and the Doppler on Wheels and MGAUS (weather balloon vehicles) to bring scientists and weather-monitoring technology into direct contact with audiences. Outreach to underserved audiences, especially rural audiences, will provide opportunities for interactions with V2 PIs and their students, who serve as role models in science careers. In addition, cyber infrastructure will allow groups of educators to interact remotely with V2 researchers and experience visualizations of weather data. The film and ancillary materials will be translated into Spanish. The project serves as a model for the dissemination of the methods and results of a specific major NSF hard-science research endeavor to the general public through ISE products and activities. The goal of the project is for the audience to increase their knowledge and understanding of the scientific process, learn what meteorologists do, what technologies are used in meteorology and weather science and the factors and forces in meteorological events. It is intended that young audience members will also develop and interest in weather science and potential careers in science and engineering. In the first five years of the film\'s release, the audience is anticipated at 7 million plus. In addition, the live outreach events are expected to engage approximately 40,000-60,000 individuals.
The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) network is an existing backyard citizen science project that is enhancing the research efforts of scientists and promoting climate literacy among the public by engaging volunteers in precipitation-monitoring activities. More than 14,000 volunteer citizen scientists of all ages in 50 states currently measure precipitation from their homes, schools, public areas and businesses using rain gauges, snow rulers and hail pads, and then post their data to the CoCoRaHS website. Building on this work, the current Broad Implementation project is enhancing CoCoRaHS' network and making it possible for more people from across the country to monitor precipitation. The enhancements include (1) installing a new generation of data entry, storage, management, analysis and visualization tools, (2) collecting evapo-transpiration data to improve scientists' water cycle models, (3) revising and creating new citizen science training materials (print and multimedia), (4) expanding national collaboration and outreach via integration of social networking and mobile device technologies, and (5) developing a standards-aligned K-12 education outreach component that has a national reach. Citizen scientists are being equipped and trained to be neighborhood climate data analysts and are provided with new tools for data analysis and inquiry learning. The enhancements will allow new collaborations between museums and science centers, targeted outreach to underserved audiences, and recruitment of thousands of new volunteers for the CoCoRaHS network. Through a partnership with the National Association of Conservation Districts, the project will conduct educational outreach to all 3,140 counties in the country. Anticipated results include increased numbers of people, particularly younger people, participating in precipitation-monitoring activities, and increased participant knowledge, skills, interest, and involvement in climate science and scientific inquiry. Building the project's capacity to involve 20,000-50,000 more volunteers across nation will increase the density of precipitation-monitoring stations, providing scientists with higher quality weather data.
Oceanus (working title) is a multi-platform media project designed to increase ocean literacy and communicate the latest oceanographic research and exploration. Produced by National Geographic Television, the project will focus on the complex science behind the global ocean systems and the many challenges involved in deep-ocean exploration. Oceanus is designed to reach a broad public audience across both genders and all demographics. The project also includes links to formal education, with special outreach efforts to Spanish-speaking students. The project goals are to increase viewer literacy about 1) the essential principles and fundamental concepts underlying ocean systems and functions, and 2) the impact of the ocean on humanity and our influence on it. The deliverables include a 5-part "landmark" television series featuring Dr. Robert Ballard and a host of international scientists, which will premiere on the National Geographic Channel in 2012. The series will employ a new generation of underwater exploration technology which allows for an unprecedented view of the ocean floor. The project also includes digital and online content, a companion book, coverage in National Geographic magazine and National Geographic Kids magazine, formal and informal materials for teachers and students and an outreach program for underserved youth. Multimedia Research will conduct formative evaluation in two phases, and Knight Williams Inc. will conduct summative evaluation in three separate studies to assess the project\'s learning impacts with respect to the television series, web and outreach activities. Oceanus will showcase technical innovations which advance deep-sea film making. The project aims to engage a broad audience with compelling stories about a critical area of science and related cutting-edge engineering. The television series is expected to reach 25 million viewers in the U.S., and the outreach material millions more. The summative evaluation will add to the body of research on the impact of science educational television on adults, and the impact of outreach to underserved audiences with respect to ocean-related topics.
Researchers at the American Association of Variable Star Observers, the Living Laboratory at the Boston Museum of Science, and the Adler Planetarium are studying stereoscopic (three-dimensional or 3D) visualizations so that this emerging viewing technology has an empirical basis upon which educators can build more effective informal learning experiences that promote learning and interest in science by the public. The project's research questions are: How do viewers perceive 3D visualizations compared to 2D visualizations? What do viewers learn about highly spatial scientific concepts embedded in 3D compared to 2D visualizations? How are viewers\' perceptions and learning associated with individual characteristics such as age, gender, and spatial cognition ability? Project personnel are conducting randomized, experimental mixed-methods research studies on 400 children and 1,000 adults in museum settings to compare their cognitive processing and learning after viewing two-dimensional and three-dimensional static and dynamic images of astronomical objects such as colliding galaxies. An independent evaluator is (1) collecting data on museum workers' and visitors' perceived value of 3D viewing technology within museums and planetariums and (2) establishing a preliminary collection of best practices for using 3D viewing technology based on input from museum staff and visitors, and technology creators. Spatial thinking is important for learning many domains of science. The findings produced by the Two Eyes, 3D project will researchers' understanding about the advantages and disadvantages of using stereoscopic technology to promote learning of highly spatial science concepts. The findings will help educators teach science in stereoscopic ways that mitigate problems associated with using traditional 2D materials for teaching spatial concepts and processes in a variety of educational settings and science content areas, including astronomy.
The National Science Festival Network project, also operating as the Science Festival Alliance, is designed to create a sustainable national network of science festivals that engages all facets of the general public in science learning. Science Festivals, clearly distinct from "science fairs", are community-wide activities engaging professional scientists and informal and K-12 educators targeting underrepresented segments of local communities historically underserved by formal or informal STEM educational activities. The initiative builds on previous work in other parts of the world (e.g. Europe, Australasia) and on recent efforts in the U.S. to create science festivals. The target audiences are families, children and youth ages 5-18, adults, professional scientists and educators in K-12 and informal science institutions, and underserved and underrepresented communities. Project partners include the MIT Museum in Cambridge, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The deliverables include annual science festivals in these four cities supported by year-round related activities for K-12 and informal audiences, a partnership network, a web portal, and two national conferences. Ten science festivals will be convened in total over the 3 years of the project, each reaching 15,000 to 60,000 participants per year. STEM content includes earth and space science, oceanography, biological/biomedical science, bioinformatics, and computer, behavioral, aeronautical, nanotechnology, environmental, and nuclear science. An independent evaluator will systematically assess audience participation and perceptions, level/types of science interest stimulated in target groups, growth of partnering support at individual sites, and increasing interactions between ISE and formal K-12 education. A variety of qualitative and quantitative assessments will be designed and utilized. The project has the potential to transform public communication and understanding of science and increase the numbers of youth interested in pursuing science.
Loren ThompsonJeremy BabendureBen Wiehe
The Experiential Science Education Research Collaborative (XSci) at the University of Colorado Denver has established a museum educator/theater network of eight museums around the country, pairing larger with smaller institutions. The Association of Science-Technology Centers, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and several other organizations also are collaborators. The primary audience is informal science educators; secondary audiences are museum and science center visitors. The Science Theater Education Programming System (STEPS) is a technology the allows educators to create their own media-enhanced live theatrical presentations of science programs that include dynamic content, interactive virtual characters, and multiple plot-lines and endings to shows. The initial set of theater programs focus on astrobiology, along with a suite of training programs and communication formats for educators. The STEPS technology allows these programs to be delivered both on site and via outreach, depending on the goals of each organization. An in-depth research component is examining the impact of the project\'s designed community of practice structure utilizing team leadership theory in terms of professional identity construction for participating informal educators. Deliverables include: the museum partnership network, the STEPS system and programs, professional development tutorials and workshops, evaluation of the programs, and research products, among others.
The Louisiana State Museum and Tulane University/Xavier University Center for Bioenvironmental Research and the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, along with several other research collaborators, designers, evaluators, and the Times-Picayune newspaper are partnering to develop a multi-pronged approach on educating the general public, school children, teachers and public officials on the STEM-related aspects of Hurricane Katrina and its implications for the future of New Orleans and other parts of the country. The major products will be an 8,500 square-foot semi-permanent exhibit, smaller exhibits for Louisiana regional libraries, a comprehensive Web site on hurricanes, a set of studies on informal learning, a case study for public officials about the relevance of science research to policy and planning, teacher workshops, and a workshop for interested exhibit designers from around the country. This project advances the field of informal science education by exploring how museums, universities, and their communities can work together to provide meaningful learning experiences on STEM topics that are critical to solving important community and national issues.
The purpose of this Communicating Research to Public Audiences project is to develop a suite of media products to raise awareness about global-warming-induced sea level rise and how scientists study it. The project will focus on Dr. Maureen Raymo's NSF funded research which looks to the Pliocene era thought to be the most recent time in geologic history with a concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere with levels as high as today. The multimedia materials including video footage, photographic images, and audio recordings will be widely distributed on the internet, on kiosks in science centers, and through podcasts. Collaborations with numerous organizations will ensure widespread dissemination of the multimedia materials. Some of the collaborators include Climate Central, a new nonprofit science and media organization; Encyclopedia of Earth, a peer-review, open access electronic reference about the Earth; and Audubon magazine among others. The project will also disseminate its resources through organizations and websites that reach teachers and students in classrooms. Rockman Et Al will evaluate the project impacts conducting both formative and summative evaluations. Focus groups and online surveys will be conducted at various stages providing feedback to the project team as well as a summative evaluation of audience impacts.
Math off the Shelf (MotS) was designed to help those who work in public libraries put math into what they do with grades K-6 children and their families. Public libraries exist in virtually every community in the nation, and increasingly, families rely on them as a free, safe place for children to spend time in the absence of other care. As such, they are an ideal venue for reaching a large and diverse population with math. MotS has: (1) developed research-based English/Spanish materials for informal educators working in public libraries, available for free online (2) supported implementation and institutionalization at libraries across the nation (3) engaged informal educators working in libraries in conducting outreach via state and national library association meetings, webinars, and community and youth agencies (4) conducted evaluation on project impact, as described in the summative evaluation report attached. Dissemination to professional communities will constitute the remaining project work. External evaluation, conducted by Char Associates, identified dramatic changes in attitudes about math and its role in the library, in the amount of math that librarians offer to children and families, and in librarians' communication about math with patrons and peers. Development partners include the library systems of Queens NY, San Jose CA, St Louis MO, Westchester County NY, and dozens of libraries in AZ, CT, FL, and MA.
ITR: A Networked, Media-Rich Programming Environment to Enhance Informal Learning and Technological Fluency at Community Technology Centers The MIT Media Laboratory and UCLA propose to develop and study a new networked, media-rich programming environment, designed specifically to enhance the development of technological fluency at after-school centers in economically disadvantaged communities. This new programming environment (to be called Scratch) will be grounded in the practices and social dynamics of Computer Clubhouses, a network of after-school centers where youth (ages 10-18) from low-income communities learn to express themselves with new technologies. We will study how Clubhouse youth (ages 10-18) learn to use Scratch to design and program new types of digital-arts projects, such as sensor-controlled music compositions, special-effects videos created with programmable image-processing filters, robotic puppets with embedded controllers, and animated characters that youth trade wirelessly via handheld devices. Scratch's networking infrastructure, coupled with its multilingual capabilities, will enable youth to share their digital-arts creations with other youth across geographic, language, and cultural boundaries. This research will advance understanding of the effective and innovative design of new technologies to enhance learning in after-school centers and other informal-education settings, and it will broaden opportunities for youth from under-represented groups to become designers and inventors with new technologies. We will iteratively develop our technologies based on ongoing interaction with youth and staff at Computer Clubhouses. The use of Scratch at Computer Clubhouses will serve as a model for other after-school centers in economically-disadvantaged communities, demonstrating how informal-learning settings can support the development of technological fluency, enabling young people to design and program projects that are meaningful to themselves and their communities.
Mitchel ResnickJohn MaedaYasmin Kafai
In collaboration with the libraries of Oklahoma State University (OSU) and Mount Holyoke College, the American Library Association proposes a traveling exhibit and public programs for 40 libraries examining the history and legacy of the Dust Bowl. The project spotlights Ken Burns' film "The Dust Bowl," and brings to public view two little known Dust Bowl archives: online oral history interviews of Dust Bowl survivors at OSU, and letters and essays of Caroline Henderson, a Mount Holyoke alumna who farmed in Oklahoma throughout the Dust Bowl. Libraries will display the exhibit for 6 weeks and present at least 3 public humanities programs from a list provided. The project humanities themes include the interaction between humans and nature; the different ways human beings respond to adversity; and how people living in the Dust Bowl tried to understand their social, economic, and ecological environment.