The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry is requesting $971,288 over three years for the development, formative and summative evaluation of two traveling exhibits. The 5,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibit is designed for children ages 3-8 and their families, using the context, setting, characters and challenged portrayed in the books of Richard Scarry, a noted children's author. A 2,000 sq. ft. mini-version traveling exhibit will be produced for use in smaller venues. Parent, teacher, and staff guides will be prepared and distributed. This exhibit gives strong emphasis to facilitating parent interaction with their children, and has activity areas for parents built into the exhibit. There is also an emphasis on anti-bias content within the exhibit.
Nancy StueberMarilynne ElchingerJoan Liberman
The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum is requesting $370,728 to create a traveling exhibit entitled "How Things Work, which will familiarize students and the general public with the science and engineering behind 15-20 "gadgets" which play vital roles in their everyday lives. A number of the exhibit elements will be based on the work of Dr. Richard Crane. Ancillary materials will be developed for classroom teachers as part of school outreach. An Exhibition Resource Guide will be developed for use by other museum venues, as well as teachers, students and others.
The Pacific Science Center is requesting $800,000 over three and one-half years to develop a national model which would enable community agencies to incorporate science education into their programs. Through thirteen-week training programs, and developing Community Center Workshops, individuals from community organizations will acquire the skills necessary to become advocates and providers for science enrichment. A number of community-based organizations which serve primarily minority clients have agreed to collaborate with the Museum.
The Lawrence Hall of Science will develop a 3000 sq. ft. traveling interactive chemistry exhibit in which visitors will conduct a variety of basic chemical tests within the motivational genre of solving a mystery. Chem-Mystery will invite visitors into an Old House facade where two non-violent mysteries have occurred. Visitors will chose a mystery (either the case of the missing toy boat for youngsters or the case of the missing money for older children and adults) to solve. After learning the facts surrounding the case from videos of the chief detective and the suspects, visitors will collect evidence from the scene of the mystery and then proceed to the Forensics Laboratory. The Lab will contain 15 hands-on stations where visitors explore fundamental chemistry concepts while using chemistry as a tool to analyze clues. Complementary educational materials will be developed. A 20 page Going Further Guide will contain activities that can be done at home using techniques introduced in the exhibit. Teacher workshops will be held to introduce teachers to concepts in the exhibit and methods on how to incorporate the exhibit activities in their curricular agenda. These materials plus other general set-up information will be included in an Exhibit Installation Handbook. After opening to the public at the LHS in January 1996, it will begin its tour in October, 1996 to nine US science centers. It has the potential of reaching about 800,000 people during the twenty-seven month tour. The exhibit design will be reviewed for universal accessibility. It will be produced by the staff of the Lawrence Hall of Science and circulated by ASTC.
The Wildlife Conservation Society will use this one year award to move forward their planning for the "Rain Forest Trail and the Living Treasures of the Congo Gallery." This is the first phase of an ambitious $29M, 6 acre outdoor exhibit area focusing on the Congo Rain Forest and an indoor Environmental Education Complex. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) conducts extensive field research in a number of central African sites and has an important living collection of tropical African wildlife in the New York facility. The Congo Rain Forest/Environmental Education Center will include three major interpretive areas and an educational resource area. NSF is being asked to support two components of the Congo Rain Forest complex which are the Rain Forest Trail and Living Treasures of the Congo Gallery. The Rain Forest Trail, with both indoor and outdoor elements, will be a total immersion exhibit where visitors will be surrounded by a replication of an African rain forest and will have the opportunity to encounter a variety of its living inhabitants, and experience how its ecosystem functions. They will have the experience of making scientific observations thus gaining insight into how scientists work. The goal of this design technique "is to move beyond the limited scope of traditional zoo exhibits (which simply portray the 'animal as object')", toward a presentation of animal and plant communities as they interact within an ecosystem. The Living Treasures Gallery will be a 4000 sq. ft. space which is dedicated to the introduction of the diversity of rain forest inhabitants, their environmental adaptations, and complex interrelationships. The gallery will be divided into four areas: Adaptations for Survival, The Forest of the Megavertebrates, The Interconnected Forest, and Seeing the Unseen. Numerous interactive devices will be developed to engage the visitor in hands-on activities and materials will be developed that link the themes of the exhibit with the agenda of formal education for both teacher and students.
The Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association (WETA) is producing and disseminating "Green Technology," a multimedia project that promotes active learning about environmentally beneficial technologies for the home, the workplace, and the community. The objective of the project are to change or consolidate the public's concepts about the fundamental relationships between the environment and technology at the grassroots pocketbook level, to enhance their understanding of the pertinent science and technology, and to provide them with practical information about how to take action for oneself and in the fulfillment of a wider civic responsibility. The components of the project include: o Three one-hour prime time television programs o Community Outreach through the National Community Education Association and their affiliates in 40 states. o Development of community education material including a 30-minute highlight tape to serve as a discussion springboard with accompanying discussion and resource guides. o A Viewer's Newsletter for each program which will include short articles on the basic science and technology explored in the program and a "What You Can Do" section. o A CD-ROM for use by parents and children at home and by students in school. o On-line information clearing house the SOLSTICE, the digital library of energy and environmental resources operated by the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology. o Teacher enhancement materials and activities for middle schools to be disseminated through the Teacher Educator's Network of the Association of Science-Technology Centers. o The National Academy of Engineering will identify engineers who can serve as "on-line consultants" to students and teachers involved in examining specific environmental issues. Richard Thomas, previously Executive Producer for "Mystery of the Senses" and "The World of Chemistry," will be PI and Executive Producer. Principal Content Advisory will be S. William Gouse, chief scientist and President of Energy Systems and Technology at MITRE. William McDonough, Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia, will be the host of the television series.
The San Jose Children's Discovery Museum will develop an exhibit "Take Another Look." A semi-permanent version will be installed at the Children's Museum and a 600-750 sq. ft. traveling version will be developed and circulated under the auspices of the Association of Science and Technology Centers Traveling Exhibition Service. Consisting of 14 individual elements, the exhibit is to communicate the essential role and significance of observation in the human experience and its more purposive character in science; the role and importance of instrumentation in scientific observation; and the importance to science of observing and interpreting phenomena in different ways. "Take Another Look" is aligned with nationally developed science education goals as outlined in Goals 2000, the AAAS Benchmarks, and with the California's Science Framework. The project targets the adult/child unit (parents and teachers with children age 2 to 10 that they accompany). Particular attention is being paid to reaching traditionally underserved audiences including Latino, Asia, and African American. Complementary materials include a Teacher's Guide, a Family Activities Guide, and a free/low cost "take-away" card with suggested activities and recommendations for other activities. It is estimated that in four years it will reach over two million children and adults both at the San Jose Children's Discovery Museum and host museums of the touring version.
The Burke Museum at the University if Washington will develop Pacific Voices, a 5500 sq. ft. exhibit that will focus on the issue of cultural identity. It will encourage visitors to examine the definition of American cultural identity, the integration of diverse cultural elements within American communities, and questions regarding interactions between Native peoples and Euro- Americans. Four themes (Teachers, Elders, and Authority; Language; Oral Traditions; and Ceremonies) will be developed to help visitors understand cultural identify, tradition and change in the context of Pacific Region cultures. The extensive collections and professional resources of the Burke Museum will be used and the exhibit will be used. Building on established linkages between the Seattle school systems and the museum, the Burke staff will introduce new teacher/student guides and a varied menu of teacher training activities including for-credit courses and in-serviced programs that will address the social science literacy benchmarks of Project 2061. Other outreach activities will include traveling study collections, weekend family programs, a resource bank in the museum's Department of Education and locally and nationally disseminated radio and television news and feature programs related to the theme of Pacific Voices.
The Museum of Science and Industry will develop "Genetics: Decoding Life," a 4325 sq. ft. permanent exhibit about the basic principles of genetics, the Human Genome Project, new tools and technology to study life, and the biomedical and biotech applications resulting from genetic information. As a result of interacting with this exhibit, visitors will understand the basic principles of genetics, they will become familiar with the role of genes in the development of life, they will learn something about how and why scientists used genetic tools, and visitors will become aware of applications of these principles and the potential social, ethical, medical and economic outcomes. In addition to the exhibit there will be a number of complementary outreach programs. An electronic web site will be created, software used in the exhibit will be modified into a format suitable for use in schools, computers loaded with genetic programs will be loaned to Chicago public school groups, churches and other community agencies, and the content of the exhibit will be used to enhance special Lamaze and prenatal classes held at the museum. Special consideration will be given to developing the relationship between the project personnel and the staff of the Chicago Systemic Initiative. They will work together to produce a school program about genetics that will be suitable for grades 5 to 8. School materials will include a teacher's guide for the exhibit, a program of classroom activities, and materials to be used before and after a trip to the museum to see the exhibit.
Nebraskans for Public Television is developing the math strand in Reading Rainbow. Under this grant, the project will "re-purpose" 30 existing Reading Rainbow program for use in mathematics learning, produce two new math-focused programs, and institute a comprehensive outreach campaign. Books currently being considered for the new programs are Mama Bear, which looks at money and its uses and examines some simple economics; and Echoes for the Eye which explores patterns in nature. The outreach will solicit and involve families served by the National Urban League; recruit school and community-based children's librarians in the math-based literature effort; and expand the local public broadcasting outreach efforts related to the math focus of the series from the eight model stations in the previous year to all interested public television stations. The target will be to involve at least 75 stations in substantive outreach to families and schools. The project also will develop and disseminate a new print piece modeled after the very successful Math is Everywhere Reading Rainbow Teachers Guide which has been used by over 3,000 teachers. Twila Liggett will continue as Executive Producer and Project Manager and LeVar Burton will remain as host and Co-Executive Producer. Cecily and Larry Truett will be Supervising Producer and Producer/Director respectively. Advisors include Herbert Ginsburg from Teachers College, Columbia University; Lucille Mahon, Math Coordinator, NYC Community School District 2; Solomon Garfunkel, Executive Director, COMAP, Inc.; and Judith Jacobs, Director of the Center for Education and Equity in Mathematics, Science, and Technology at California State Polytechnic University.
Through a collaboration of the DuPage Children's Museum, Argonne National Laboratory, and National-Louis University, a three-element project is being conducted focusing on the following: 1) a research component that studies children's naive perceptions of the phenomena of air and wind energy, 2) an exhibition component that uses the project research to design, develop, and construct a 3- 4,000 square foot "process" oriented exhibition with a 2-story exhibit tower and 12-15 replicable exploratory workstations, 3) a program component that offers explorations for children adapted for museums, preschools and elementary school classrooms. Target audiences include young children and their parents, pre- and in- service early childhood teachers, and museum professionals interested in reaching very young children.
MacGillivray Freeman Films is producing a 40-minute large format film about a scientific and climbing expedition on Mount Everest. The film will introduce viewers to the methods and significance of scientific field research and the rigor and excitement of the scientific endeavor through an expedition to the top of the world's tallest mountain. An international climbing team of women and men will advance the research of geophysicist Roger Bilham who has been influential in applying Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to the study of earthquakes in the Himalaya. The film also will explore the physiological challenges the climbers face at extreme altitude. Endoscopic and microscopic photography will reveal the human body's amazing adaptations to a cold, low-oxygen environment. A comprehensive package of ancillary materials for teachers, students, film exhibitors, and the general public will enhance the educational experience of the film. Greg MacGillivray, President of MacGillivray Freeman Films, will be the PI and Executive Producer/Co-Producer/Director/Photographer. Stepehen Judson and Alec Lorimore, both of MacGillivray Films, will be Co-writer/Director and Co-Producer respectively. Tim Cahill, a freelance writer with experience writing for National Geographic and GEO will be the other Co-writer. Advisors include: Cynthia Beall, Prof. of Physical Anthropology, Case Western Reserve University Broughton Coburn, Conservation and Development Expert on Nepal James Fisher, Prof. of Anthropology, Carleton College Kip Hodges, Prof. of Geology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Charles Houston, Prof. of Medicine (emeritus), University of Vermont Peter Molnar, Senior Research Assoc. Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences, MIT Audrey Salkeld, Author and Fellow, Royal Geographical Society Bradford Washburn, Honorary Director, Museum of Science, Boston