The Exploratorium will develop a 6000 sq. f.t exhibit Seeing: The Interaction of Physiology, Culture, and Technology . As the first exhibit and program development project of their multiyear initiative "Refocusing on the Floor," this permanent exhibit will consist of approximately 60 new and redesigned exhibits organized into six sections: Seeing Central, Light and Images, Process of Seeing, Seeing Things Differently, Extending Our Vision, and Deconstructing What We See. Visitors will develop their skills at seeing, noticing, and visual thinking, will become more conscious of visual information in daily life, be exposed to current research on vision and visual cognition, be given opportunities to investigate the social and cultural influences on seeing, and be lead to the realization that seeing, interpreting, and understanding visual information are basic to the conduct of science. New partnerships will be developed with community-based organizations that will promote new audiences for the Exploratorium as well as enhance the viewpoints of the participating staff members. The activities will address the National Science Standards in terms of the process skills that are identified and will reintroduce visual thinking skills into the activities linking the exhibit with the formal education's curriculum. Additional workshops and professional dissemination activities will be included in the overall project.
With this planning grant, the staff of the Bucks County Historical Society will work with a group of museum professionals and community representatives to develop plans for interactive exhibits that have science and math content that will be placed in an outdoor park. They want visitors to learn about the science, history, and aesthetics of early American hand tools and technology by experiencing various hands-on activities. The planning activities will include meetings of the planning committees, front-end evaluation, and the testing of some prototype activities. At the end of the twelve month planing period they will have 1) a better understanding of their audience and their knowledge of the science and technology to be presented in the exhibit, 2) a schematic design for the activities to be included in the park, 3) plans for complementary educational activities, and 4) results of prototype testing of selected activities.
The Zoological Society of Philadelphia will develop Primate Reserve. This project will include the development of a two acre indoor/outdoor primate habitat for up to 60 primates and a variety of complementary programming including hands-on interpretative activities for visitors, a Discovery House/Conservation Action Center, live performances, school programs and teacher training activities that link with the formal education curriculum, and a World Wide Web site. The goal of this program is to communicate basic information about primate biology, behavior, social structure, and habitats, and the problems face by primates in the wild. Visitors are to learn that "Conservationists around the world work together to help primates and you can help too." Specifically visitors will learn details about conservation biology/population biology including a) a species' biology affects its vulnerability to extinction, b) small populations are vulnerable to inbreeding depression and loss of genetic diversity, c) small populations in small areas are vulnerable to stochastic events, and d) these concerns apply to both wild and zoo populations. To make the story more personal and to provide career role models, primatologists engaged in their research will be featured in the exhibit. The exhibit will open in June, 1999 and the school program will begin October, 1999.
The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) will develop Engineer It! Dissemination of a Successful Multiple Outcome Exhibition. This will be a 5000 sq. ft. traveling exhibit based on their NSF supported exhibit Engineer It! that opened as a permanent exhibit at OMSI in 1994. The exhibit presents visitors with an environment rich in opportunities to design, engineer, and test structures in three testing areas focusing on water, structures, and wind. Visitors will learn basic engineering principles through experimentation by designing boats, buildings, bridges, cranes, windmills, and paper airplanes among other things. Supporting components include training workshops for host museums on how to most effectively use the experimental environment of the exhibit, a Teacher's Guide, take-home activities, and a web page. The primary audience is the general museum visitor which includes many families, and elementary school students. Careful attention will be given to the development of family friendly exhibit text that will help adults understand how children learn from developmentally appropriate hands-on activities and how they can support that learning through adult-child interaction. The content of the exhibit is in synchrony with national science standards.
Raymond VandiverJan DabrowskiNancy Stueber
The Whitaker Center for Science and Arts will develop two versions of an exhibit Bodies in Motion: The Physics of Human Movement. The Whitaker Center is a new cultural center to be centrally located in Harrisburg, PA and has as its theme "science through the arts." In keeping with that focus, this will be a highly interactive 2000 sq. ft. exhibit which will provide experiences that reveal the physics embodied in dance, ice skating, gymnastics, and other sports. Two versions of the exhibit will be developed, one will be for the Whitaker Center (2000 sq. ft.) and the other (1500 sq. ft.) will travel to small science centers and children's museums. The core physics concepts to be explored are mass, inertia, force, speed and velocity, acceleration, torque, momentum, angular momentum, centrifugal and centripetal force, kinetic and potential energy, gravity, and Newton's Laws of Motion. By means of the exhibits learners will explore such topics as the role of torque and rotational momentum in turns, how dancers manipulate their center of gravity to create the illusion of floating during leaps, and how physics illuminate the differences between dance and ice skating. There will be a series of complementary programs which include lecture/demonstrations by Dr. Kenneth Laws, a physicist who studies the physics of dance; teacher education programs; support materials for classroom use; professional development programs for teachers; and a brochure on physics and dance for distribution to dance schools.
Elizabeth BrewerAnn MintzThomas Stone
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) will develop Window on Catalhoyuk: An Archaeological Work in Progress. The project will include a 4,500 sq. ft. exhibit, a World Wide Web site, an exhibit cookbook for archaeology interactives developed for the exhibit, and a suite of related classroom activities. Catalhoyuk is currently the most important archaeological site in Turkey and among the most significant cultural heritage monuments in the world. It consists of two mounds located on either side of an ancient river channel. The larger mound has Early Neolithic age occupation levels (9000 and 7500 years ago) and represents one of the largest known Neolithic settlements, holding links to the beginnings of agriculture, animal domestication, and the rise of urban complexity. The smaller mound consists of more recent occupations (7500 to 5000 years ago). Together they may record nearly 10,000 years of human occupation. SMM has been a partner, along with the Turkish team, in the Catalhoyuk Research Project since its inception in 1993 and has the responsibility of developing public programs and for bringing the research findings before a worldwide audience. Unlike a traditional approach where the results of archaeological research appear years after the excavations, this project will focus on the process of archaeology giving visitors the opportunity of learning about the workings of contemporary archaeology and the nature of scientific inquiry, along with the important insight into the beginning of Mediterranean civilization. The exhibit will be updated annually for two years to reflect new results of ongoing fieldwork. The project addresses the National Science Education Standards, particularly those related to science as inquiry and to the history and nature of science.
Donald PohlmanNatalie RuskOrrin Shane
The Self Reliance Foundation, the fiscal agent for the Hispanic Radio Network, is producing a weekly, live, one-hour Spanish radio talk show. The show would introduce audiences to current breakthroughs in the sciences through science updates, interviews with research scientists and educators, and audience call-ins. The editorial plan is that approximately 20% of the topics for the interview/call-in part of the show will fall within five general categories: Breakthroughs in Science, Opportunities in Science, Science and the Environment, Science and Health, and Technology. The PI would be Jeff Kline, President of the Self Reliance Foundation. The Producer and Co-Project Director would be Javier Sierra, the Washington, DC, Bureau Chief for the Self Reliance Foundation. They would work closely with an advisory committee of approximately 15 Hispanic scientists and heads of organizations serving the Hispanic communities.
Robert RussellJeff KlineJose AponteIsabel BenemelisJavier Sierra
Treasuring our Natural Heritage: Natural History and Environmental Science Education is a multifaceted project that will be developed by the Idaho Museum of Natural History. Their goal is to heighten an understanding of issues surrounding the concept of biodiversity among the general public. By using the metaphor " the economy of nature," they will present three concepts: biodiversity which will include the idea of keystone species, natural capital, and extinction debt & conservation biology. This approach and the use of this metaphor is based on pre-exhibit research work that demonstrated that rural Idahoans understand this as a system of exchange, where each species holds a different 'occupation' and a variety of occupations is critical to the health of the economy. This project will bring participants in touch with the value of scientific research through presentations by scientists whose recent research results will provide a deeper understanding of the living systems around them. Views of elders from Idaho's Native American tribes will be included to add a critical human dimension. With this award they will develop a series of three small traveling exhibits, three-part educational video series for public broadcasting, and three multimedia science kits for use by children's groups on each of the three concepts noted above. With this multifaceted design it is anticipated that this program will reach 50% of Idaho's 1.2 million people. It is anticipated that the exhibits will become generally available once they have completed their circulation in Idaho.
Stefan SommerAllen JacksonAmy LaffertyAndrew GibbonsAlbert Strickland
Blue Mountain Films, in association with the American Museum of Natural History, is producing a multi-component project on biodiversity that will examine closely the risks we face if the web of life on Earth is progressively diminished. The central component of the project will be a large format film that seeks to locate and understand humans' place in, and impact upon, the natural order of life on this planet. The film will be based on what appears to be a critical paradox: while we humans, like all living things, have always been dependent upon natural systems for our survival, our unique cultural development and technological prowess have convinced us that we are somehow "above" nature. As a corollary theme, the Life in the Balance film will examine the urgency of the scientific effort to explore and understand ecosystems and the flora and fauna they contain before their unique genetic information is lost due to human actions. In addition, the film will convey an appreciation of how science actually is done in the field. The film will be augmented by: * The Life in the Balance Bookshelf of material currently being developed by the new National Center at the American Museum of Natural History: * Biodiversity: An Action Guide aimed at encouraging children and their families to explore together topics and issues surrounding biodiversity. * Teacher's Curriculum-Biodiversity Counts designed as a middle school-based activity that encourages students to engage in scientific exploration and discover the diversity of species in their own neighborhoods. * Book of Essays designed as a resource book for high school students and their teachers. * Teacher/Educator's Guide consisting of hands-on science activities that can be used independently of the film and as preparation for viewing and/or following screenings of the film. * Life in the Balance "Interactive" Poster with a four-color acetate overlay of pictures which, wen pulled away, reveals a seco nd sheet with science information. * Fun Facts Brochure with biodiversity facts and questions presented in a simple, fun fashion, such as quizzes and games. * Life in the Balance Website feature family activities, an extinction conference section, and a bio-bulletin. * Life in the Balance National Training Institute, a 10 day workshop brining together teams of science educators from community organizations, schools, and science centers and museums. The PI and producer/director/writer of the film will be Bayley Silleck who served in these same roles for the Cosmic Voyage film. The Co-PI and producer will be Jeffrey Marvin. The principal scientist will be Thomas Eisner, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Chemical Ecology at Cornell University. This production team will work closely with an advisory committee that includes Jane Lubchenco, Peter H. Raven, Edward O. Wilson, Andrew Peter Dobson, Myles Gordon, Mary Elizabeth Murray-Wilson, and Lee Schmitt.
Bayley SilleckJeffrey MarvinThomas Eisner
The Smithsonian Institution will develop plans for Science on the Mall. The final product of this planning will be an exhibit with a traveling component and additional complementary activities that will heighten the public's understanding of the processes of science. It is the Smithsonian's intention that visitors will experience the processes of science by direct inquiry into the nature of science as a way of thinking and knowing the world. With this award, they will plan the 8000 sq. ft. permanent exhibit, a smaller scale traveling exhibit, various public programs, and an Icon. The large exhibit will consist of five stations: What is Scientific?, How is Science Done?, What Influences Have Tool and Instrumentation Had on Science?, How is Science Used?, and How is Science Communicated?. Managed by the Office of the Provost, the planning activities will include 1) meetings of SI staff and advisors that have diverse perspectives including scientists, educators, exhibit designers, and evaluators, among others; 2) charettes on the exhibit design and visitors perceptions and expectation of science issues, 3) the drafting of concepts and text for the exhibit activities, and 4) final review of all elements by SI management. At the end of the planing period it is their intention to have all the plans in place in order to move forward on the implementation phase.
This project is a funded as a component of the joint NSF/DoE Public Understanding and Engagement Initiative for middle grade mathematics. NCTM, Widmeyer-Baker and NACME are partnering to launch and deliver the Initiative. NCTM has responsibility for ensuring that the mathematics conveyed throughout the Initiative is compelling, accurate, and appropriate for middle grade learners. Their project contributions are entitled Math in the Media and the Public as Partners. Math in the Media is the title of the Problem of the Week feature, which will be designed for weekly promotions around the country. The problems will be developed across the following content strands: number, data, geometry, measurement, and patterns, functions and algebra. Problem contexts will vary. The problems of the week will be designed such that they will be simultaneously available in print and web-based formats. The Public as Partners project component will be aimed at the general public and will develop printed materials to support and engage the public in actually doing mathematics.
The Maryland Science Center is planning a nationwide, traveling exhibit that would examine the scientific investigations and findings related to how and why the Titanic sank. During this planning phase for the project, two of the Maryland Science Center staff would participate in an upcoming scientific expedition to study the Titanic. They will be able to closely follow the work of the Marine Forensics Panel of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in order to understand more thoroughly the scientific processes and principles involved. The museum staff also will refine the design of the exhibit and test prototype exhibit components, themes, styles, and presentation of science.