The Museum of Science in Boston is proposing to work with eight other science centers to investigate how science centers might collaborate to enhance the public understanding of research. The purpose of the planning effort is to identify and elaborate on promising approaches to increase the public understanding of the nature of scientific research, the process of technological innovation, and the interaction between science and technology and societal issues. Planning will be conducted in the context of three topics (tentative): global climate change, alternative energy sources, and genetically modified foods. Questions to be explored include: what it would take for each science center to offer exhibits and presentations on all three topics, how can the exhibits be kept current, what is the best mechanism for keeping science centers informed about current research, what would motivate visitors to return in order to follow a single line of research, how can visitors best continue their connection with the science centers after their visits, what will science centers change in the way they develop exhibits and programs in order to present current science and technology, what costs and logistical factors will need to be taken into consideration, will "one size fit all" or will different designs be needed for different science centers, and how might the exhibits and programs be designed to encourage the incorporation of local resources. The project will be coordinated with other media that are developing efforts to convey on-going science to the public. Evan Hadingham, Science Editor for NOVA at WGBH, will bring the perspective of television production; Rob Semper from the Exploratorium will represent the Internet; and Bruce Lowenstein, Editor of Public Understanding of Science, will represent print. The science centers participating in the planning effort include: Museum of Science, Boston New York Hall of Science Science Museum of Minnesota Arizona Science Center Tech Museum of Innovation California Science Center The Exploratorium Pacific Science Center American Museum of Natural History
Cornell's Laboratory of Ornithology will develop the "Cornell Nest Box Network (CNN)". This is an educational/research project that will enable lay people to participate in scientific research and it builds on a successful NSF grant "National Science Experiments". For this project, CNN participants will build and place nest boxes in their communities and monitor the boxes gathering information on the breeding success of their occupants. Participants will summarize and analyze their data and then send it to the Lab for more comprehensive analysis. Lab biologists will analyze the compiled data and report results in a variety of media including scientific reports and popular newsletters. The CNN includes both an educational and research agenda. Participants will learn about birds while participating directly in the scientific process. The research questions, requiring huge, continent-wide databases, will focus on the effects of acid rain on bird populations, geographic variation in avian clutch size, effects of ectoparasites on nesting birds and population dispersal, among others. The protocol will encourage group participation and will be especially suitable for families. It will involve a corps of trained "ambassadors" who will help sustain the project a local levels. One of the goals of the project is to move participants up a ladder of science knowledge from projects involving minimal knowledge and skill to those requiring more. It also addresses national education standards that call for increased opportunities for students to engage in extended inquiry and authentic research activities. After the fourth development year, this research/education project will become self-sustaining.
Andre DhondtRick BonneyJohn FitzpatrickDavid Winkler
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology (CLO) will develop "Understanding Birds", a suite of exhibits and related programming in the new environmental science center to be opened in Sapsucker Woods in 2002. The new building will house the Lab's research, education, and outreach operations, including the Library of Natural Sounds, a new Library of Nature Videos, and Cornell's systematic collection of vertebrates. The building also will include a multi-media-based interactive Visitors Center providing both real and virtual learning activities for visitors of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. Plans for replication of the exhibits will be made available broadly to museums, nature centers and other organizations.
Using a five-month planning grant, the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) will develop a comprehensive 10-year, educational initiative to address the needs of the optical science and engineering communities. A series of workshops will be held at professional meetings of SPIE and the Optical Society of America (OSA) to assess regional needs and resources. Workshop recommendations will be used to create a plan to enhance the scientific and technological literacy of the public and raise the level of awareness about career options in this exciting and expanding field. The meetings will incorporate a diverse array of stakeholders including optical engineering and science professionals, formal and informal educators, as well as representatives from industry and underrepresented groups in science and engineering. Strategic emphasis will be placed on informal science education and efforts to recruit and retain minorities and women in optical engineering and related sciences. The resulting education blueprint will be disseminated to the field in electronic and print media, and subsequently implemented by SPIE and OSA.
The University of California, Berkeley is developing "Windows on Research," a two-year experimental exhibit project at the Lawrence Hall of Science focused on engaging and informing the public about current scientific research. The project will develop and evaluate different media to translate the leading edge of nanotechnology research for the science center audience by featuring live demonstrations and presentations, physical- and technology-based exhibits, and Internet-based exhibits. Formative evaluation of all products, including ongoing public focus groups and surveys, will be used to establish which of the several media, alone or combined, work best to communicate research content. The project team also is developing new assessment tools to test usability and effectiveness of the artificial intelligence and technology-based components in conveying content. The results of this prototype effort to present ongoing research in a museum setting will be disseminated to the informal science education field. The PI, Marco Molinaro, and the team from the Lawrence Hall of Science will work closely with scientists representing research in a number of nanotechnology fields. These scientists bring expertise in the areas of materials science, chemistry, education, bioengineering, mechanical engineering, molecular and cell biology, geochronology and isotope geochemistry, and psychology.
Marco MolinaroUniversity of California-BerkeleyDarrell Porcello
The Fred Friendly Seminars is producing a three-part, prime-time television series about the ethical, legal and social implications of advances in genetic research and technology. The audience for the series is the general public with special emphasis on the scientific and policy-making communities. Each of the programs will begin with a presentation of the basic genetic science linked to a specific ethical and policy issue and then will engage a panel in a Socratic dialogue based on a hypothetical situation related to that issue. The panel will represent a wide range of perspective including scientists, policy makers and people experiencing the dilemmas presenting in the hypothetical situations. Outreach material for the project will be developed by the National Center for Science Literacy, Education and Technology and Exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History. The center will produce a 16-page discussion guide designed for by a variety of informal education organizations that reach the general public. This guide will be available in both print and on the project web site. In addition to the guide, the web site include guidelines about how to use segments of the series as catalysts for discussion, a list of annotated resources on genetics, and a behind-the-scenes look at the genomic research labs of the museum.
Unicorn Projects, Inc. is producing a project about historic mills in American and the science and technology of their operation. The project will combine a nationally broadcast one-hour PBS special with print and interactive educational materials for the home and school markets along with family-oriented personal appearance by host-author David Macaulay at selected museum and mill sites across the country. The goal of the project is to acquaint viewers and participants with the technological innovations and the scientific, social and historical significance of water-powered mills in the early part of the industrial revolution. In addition to the television program the project will produce Mill Times newspapers applicable in formal as well as informal settings, curriculum-based school videos and teachers guides, activity kits including "toys" designed to introduce concepts in applied mechanics, and family-activity programs at selected sites. The PI and Producer/Director will be Larry Klein who has produced and directed the previous Macaulay programs among many other PBS specials. David Macaulay, author of many best-selling books on architecture and technology, will be the host and will work closely with Mark Olshaker, the writer, in developing the script for the program. The Education Director will be Toby Levine. The principal technology and history advisor will be Patrick Malone, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and American Civilization at Brown University and past president of the Society for Industrial Archaeology. The science advisor will be Theodore Ansbacher, principal of Science Services, an informal science education consulting company. Other advisors include Robert Dalzell, Gary Kulik, Judith McGaw, and Merrit Roe Smith.
EarthTalk Incorporated is producing and distributing 282 "Edge of Discovery" radio programs. Each of the 90-second programs will explore an area of on-going research and will feature "actualities" or recorded voices of scientists explaining their work. The programs will be carried on 700+ public and commercial radio stations. The broadcast programs will be supplemented by an "Edge of Discovery" web presence that will contain the radio programs themselves plus a "More Info" section for each program that includes references to printed articles and links to other web sites on the day's topic as well as supplementary background material such as transcripts of interviews with scientists. The "Edge of Discovery" web page also will feature a "Meet the Scientists" section in which a new scientist will be profiled each month, and it will feature live online "chats" with scientists six times each year. The producers/hosts for the series are Deborah Byrd and Joel Block who created, produced and hosted the highly successful radio series Earth and Sky. The Senior Producer is Marc Airhart who will be primary liaison with the team of researchers and writers. Review of all material developed for the projected will be done by the project's review committee of 95 scientists.
Deborah ByrdWilliam BrittonMarc AirhartBarbara Flagg
The Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association (WETA) in partnership with BBC2 and the Open University, is producing ten half-hour television programs that explore the reality of scientific discovery. In each episode, five scientists who have been abandoned on a deserted island solve science-based challenges using only their collective expertise, wits, the island's resources and a few basic tools. In one episode, for instance, the scientists will need to: 1) calculate their location with the exact latitude and longitude, 2) create insect repellant, and 3) design and build a homemade radio. The programs capture both the disappointments of experiments that go wrong as well as the joy and excitement of success. The television series will be supported by "Rough Science Adventures," field experiences where members of the public solve challenges similar to those facing the scientists in the television program, and by a Rough Science website. Outreach partners include the New York Hall of Science, the National Society of Black Engineers, and the International Educational Technology Association.
The Center for Science and the Media is requesting $2,006,069, of a total budget of $5,597,518, to develop the Science and Technology News Network (STN2) that will produce science news segments to be used by local television stations in their news programs. The products delivered to the stations will include 90-second video news stories in two versions -- with and without voice-over; scripts that local newscasters can read on air; topical and regional tips sheets to help producers localize the stories; follow-up research and one-on-one support by the project staff; explanatory or science-angle sidebars; web stories to introduce upcoming TV stories and provide more in-depth coverage; and Internet support with resources important to local TV producers. The project also provides content to the science site and to ABC News One, the network affiliate news service. The science modules will produce segments in both English and Spanish. The PI and General Manager for the project is Eliene Augenbraun, a former research scientist with experience in management and media. The News Director and Co-PI is Ira Flatow. They will work with an advisory committee of scientists and science journalists.
Cornell University will develop "Citizens' Science Online." This project will use the Internet to develop ways of allowing citizens, at any level of prior sophistication, to participate in science by gathering data that will contribute to an understanding of the population biology of birds and for managing the natural ecosystems these birds inhabit. The program has five components: (1) software, user interfaces and background resources on an Internet-based program that is accessible to any North American participant; (2) nine existing citizen-science projects will be modified to make online data entry more accurate, to make participation more user-friendly and to facilitate feedback of results to the participants and public; (3) an extensive library of online support materials and tutorials, including photos, audioclips of vocalizations, maps and other information; (4) integration of all of these Internet-based projects and information via a comprehensive Web portal, Citizen Science Online; and (5) testing and modifying of the interactive database tools through partnerships with other organizations.
The Exploratorium will develop "The Electronic Guidebook: Extending Museum Experience Using Networked Handheld Computers." Through this project, the Exploratorium and the Concord Consortium will investigate the use of new technologies to enhance the learning experience of science museum visitors. The exponentially increasing availability of portable personal computing devices provides an opportunity for science museums to develop new ways for visitors to experiment and interact with exhibits. The partners will design and prototype a museum-based "Electronic Guidebook" for visitors. Twenty-five Exploratorium exhibits will be connected to a museum network and handheld portable computers through infrared connections. The target audiences for this project are the general public (adults and families) and children in the K-12 age range. The primary disciplinary focus is physics, with a secondary focus on mathematics.