While theoretical work and empirical research have examined science policy-informing “dialogue events,” dialogue events that do not seek to inform public policy are under-theorized and under-researched, even though they are common and growing in popularity in the UK. We describe how, from a critical perspective, it may initially appear that such events cannot be justified without returning to the deficit model. But with this paper, we seek to open up a discussion about these non policy-informing events by arguing that there are in fact further ways to understand and frame them. We deliberately
The concept of engagement across the learning sciences and in museums draws from research on visitor interests, motivations, and behaviors. Such involvement by museum visitors reveals institutional and field expectations about museum efficacy and demonstrated impact. However, engagement is a concept with different uses and interpretations across institutions and fields. If we are going to talk about visitor engagement in museums specifically, it is incumbent on museum educators to understand and address the values that are associated with this idea. What does engagement look like and sound
Indiana UniversityChildren's Museum of IndianapolisElizabeth WoodBarbara Wolf
Although the generic subject of botanical garden history is increasingly well documented, botanical gardens lack a reflective historical commentary on the educational work of their institutions. Apart from individual garden monographs, and the work of Stafleu, Prest, and Spary, few authors have examined the socio-educational history of botanical gardens. Exceptions to this are Gilberthorpe's doctoral thesis, which critiqued changes in British botanical gardens in the 1980s, and Kleinman's doctoral study, The Museum in the Garden, which considered research, display, and education at The
This paper discusses the results of a long-term memory study in which fifty visitors to Expo 67 (25 participants from British Columbia and 25 from Quebec) shared their recollections of their personal experience forty years after the event. The impetus for this study stems from a desire to understand the long-term impact of visitors' experience in informal, leisure-time contexts, and, particularly in large-scale exhibitions. This paper presents and discusses outcomes that elucidate the nature of personal memories of Expo 67 and in relation to the collective memory of cultural events/productions
What information are virtual visitors looking for on museum Web sites? This paper is a first step in a larger investigation into the informational value of museum Web sites. Scholars, teachers, students, museums staff, and museum visitors are the main categories of visitors examined in this study. Questions were asked of these museum audiences about their use of museum Web sites, museum databases, and other aspects of virtual visits.
This article reports on a study which used results from 119 scenario–based evaluations of 36 museum Web sites to develop a conceptual framework for analyzing the usability flaws of museum Web sites. It identifies 15 unique dimensions, grouped into five categories, that exemplify usability problems common to many museum Web sites. Each dimension is discussed in detail, and typical examples are provided, based on actual usability flaws observed during the evaluations. The availability of this conceptual framework will help the designers of museum Web sites improve the overall usability of museum
This paper was presented at the 10th International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST-10). The authors conducted a survey to lay the groundwork for a national survey to determine the relative importance of science communication to university scientists and engineers, to reveal what factors facilitate or impede communication of science to the non-specialist public on communicating their research, and to provide evidence to substantiate where resources should be targeted and to help develop programming for innovative and effective public engagement.
Susi Sturzenegger-VarvayanisGina EoscoSara BallKelvin LeeMegan HalpernBruce Lewenstein
If the science research and education community is to increase the number and degree of commitment of scientists who participate in public engagement activities, we must understand their perceptions of values, obstacles, and incentives in the science academic environment. This document contains a preliminary distillation of the results of two surveys (2012, 2014) that begins the process of understanding attitudes of science academics and science administrators.
Auditory forms of nonpersonal communication have rarely been evaluated in informal settings like parks and museums. This study evaluated the effect of an interpretive audio tour on visitor knowledge and social behavior at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. A cross-sectional pretest/posttest quasi-experimental design compared the responses of audio tour users (n = 123) and nonusers (n = 131) on several knowledge questions. Observations (n = 700) conducted at seven sites within the caverns documented sign reading, time spent listening to the audio, within group conversation, and other social
The field of museum education has advanced and adapted over the years to meet the changing needs of audiences as determined by new research, national policy, and international events. Educators from Chicago's Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum provide insight into a (somewhat) typical museum education department, especially geared for readers who are outside the realm of museum education and who may be unfamiliar with expectations placed on educators. Finally, the authors suggest areas of focus that should be targeted by museum educators for them to remain current in a rapidly evolving field
Erin DragottoChristine MinervaMichelle Nicholas
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. It describes a project that uses youth and community programs to promote freshwater literacy and water conservation.
Pacifc Resources for Education and LearningEthan Allen
This study assessed visitor outcomes from attending presentations by members of the National Network for Ocean Climate Change Interpretation [NNOCCI] community of practice at four test aquariums and two control site aquariums where climate change interpretation is delivered by professional environmental educators who have not received NNOCCI training. Four unique self-complete surveys were developed, each collecting comparable demographic data and then each uniquely querying: obligations to act on climate change information for people, animals or the ocean; confidence that actions will result
New England Aquarium CorporationJohn Fraser