The New York Hall of Science, partnering with biomedical researchers, educators and the Association of Science-Technology Centers, is planning to develop, test, (Phase I) and nationally disseminate (Phase II) a new exhibition titled Molecules and Health. This exhibition will engage middle and high-school students and the general public in inquiry-based learning on the role of molecules in health illness and prevention. The proposed project will be a national model for conveying the molecular basis for health-related sciences, which will be increasing central to research and public understanding in the coming decades. The exhibition will be based upon Marvelous Molecules-the Secret of Life, a permanent exhibition at the Hall of Science, and will include an extensive array of biomedical and health-related exhibits. We will develop pre- and post-visit materials for teachers' use, a family guide through the exhibition, and two Explainer-run demonstrations, as well as a web site to support classroom learning. This exhibition will travel to science centers within the United States through the Association of Science and Technology Centers touring program. We anticipate that 1,000,000 science museum visitors throughout the country will see the Molecules and Health exhibition during the four year dissemination phase. We will share the results of our evaluation and the process of developing this exhibition to the science education field.
The Great Lakes Science Center, in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University (CASE), proposes to develop a permanent exhibition and related programs on biomedical engineering. The successful implementation of this project would allow CASE and GLSC to inform a broad constituency about select biomedical research advancements, applied technologies, and their relevance to society. When the project is completed, we will be able to expose many thousands of visitors each year to the updated exhibition - increasing their interest in and understanding of important science concepts underlying advancements in biomedical technology. The exhibition would encompass approximately 2000 square feet and feature approximately 20 exhibits, most of which would be interactive. The major audiences for the exhibition include families, school groups, and general museum visitors. The BioMedTech exhibition is located on the Science Center's main floor, which places an emphasis on the science and technology of particular importance to Northeast Ohio. The exhibition will be accompanied by educational programming, public programs, and wide dissemination around the region and within the Science Center world. When fully implemented, the project could reach many hundreds of thousands of visitors and garner national attention through dissemination efforts. Visitors to the exhibition and participants in related programs will come to a better understanding of the connections between biology and technology while learning of science and engineering's role in improving the quality of life in our society.
The Tech Museum of Innovation and Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics have established longterm partnership to enable the public to draw connections between modern genetics research and choices they face about their health. Together we will develop, produce, evaluate, and disseminate Life's New Frontier, a dynamic exhibition which will inform the public about the goals and methods of modern genetics. Interactive permanent exhibits and guided learning centers, staffed jointly by museum educators and by working scientists (predominantly Stanford graduate students and postdoctoral fellows), will take the public into the minds and laboratories of scientists who are revolutionizing biomedical science. The exhibition and associated public and school programs will emphasize the emerging discipline of bioinformatics, which is fundamental to the Human Genome Project, gene-based diagnosis, rational drug design, and treatment of disease. Life's New Frontier will open in the summer of 2003 to reach an estimated 1.5 million diverse people annually through museum and online visitation. It will set a new standard for the treatment of cutting-edge science in exhibitions by establishing an infrastructure that permits rapid changes to exhibit content, and creating opportunities for visitors to receive personalized science and health updates after their visit. The exhibition also will serve as a platform to foster continuing personal interaction among middle and high school students, Stanford faculty and students, and the general public. The Tech/Stanford partnership will be maintained through staff liaison positions at each partner institution and will be evaluated to assess its effectiveness. We hope to extend this model to other departments at the Stanford University School of Medicine, and to disseminate it as a model for other science center/university partnerships in biomedical sciences. We anticipate significant outcomes of this partnership: the pblic will be better able to apply the ideas of modern genetics to decisions about their health; and a broad range of students from diverse backgrounds will be inspired to pursue biomedical education and research.
JOURNEY TO PLANET EARTH is a new television science series and outreach initiative from Emmy award- winning producers Marilyn and Hal Weiner. With a comprehensive informal and formal education program designed by the Chicago Academy of Sciences, the project will educate and motivate millions of people about the most important health and environmental issues of the 21st century. Against a backdrop of scientific findings illustrating the complexity and fragility of the Earth's natural systems, the series will provide a much needed perspective to help students and the general public understand and cope with the difficulties of developing a global agenda that addresses the health and environmental concerns of the next millennium. JOURNEY TO PLANET EARTH's outreach initiative targets middle-school aged youth in a variety of informal and formal educational contexts, including ten of the country's leading science museums. It is supported by a comprehensive evaluation program and strategic outreach partnerships with organizations such as the North American Association for Environmental Education, the Geological Survey, the International Food Policy Research Institute, the National 4-H, the Department of Agriculture's Classroom Program, the GLOBE Program and AAAS.
This project will partner The Museum with researchers from local health science organizations, including the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and Duke University Medical Center, to create an interactive exhibition and a series of monthly public programs. Investigate Health! will further understanding of children's health issues as visitors: 1) experiment with the science behind these issues, 2) discover that individual choice impacts well being, and 3) explore associated health science careers. The Investigate Health! project will produce a 2,100-square-foot resident exhibit containing hands-on manipulatives, interactive computer programs, a staffed laboratory area, and a resource center. The exhibition will be accessible to children and adults of diverse backgrounds and physical abilities. The 500-square-foot staffed laboratory area within the exhibit, called Health Lab, will give visitors opportunities to interact with Museum staff, health researchers, and teenage volunteers as they use scientific instruments for more in-depth explorations. A resource center within the resident exhibit will provide a comfortable place for visitors to research emerging health-related issues and gather information about accessing health care. The Health Investigator Series, monthly public programs cosponsored by the region's world-renowned medical schools and health research organizations, will bring scientists and health care professionals to speak directly to the public about the frontiers of research influencing children's health and the career opportunities available in their fields of expertise. Investigate Health! will reach more than two and a half million Museum visitors, local teachers, and teenage volunteers who will visit the resident exhibit during its life span (ideally, seven years) and take part in the enriching public presentations connected with it.
Roy GriffithsTraci ConnorSarah Prather
The Internet has seen an explosive growth in the past few years, and masses of information on cancer are readily available to anyone with a live connection. Unfortunately, the vast majority of this information is presented in long test passages, with few illustrations and non multi- media elements to increase user interest. Absent are materials that help people appreciate how basic research in cancer genetics is being rapidly translated into new options for diagnosis, treatment and prevention. We seek support to create an extensive WWW site, Inside Cancer, which literally will take people into the workings of the cancer cell and into the laboratories of scientists who are revolutionizing cancer research. Building upon the project staff's strong experience in building multimedia WWW sites, Inside Cancer will make use of the most up-todate technology to merge animation and video into a visually stimulating experience. At the same time, the project draws scientific authority from a world-renowned research institute and advisors who have played important roles in the development of modern cancer research. Five modules will be developed. What is Cancer? quickly answers this and other related questions in short animations and prepares more curious visitors for the next modules. Cancer in the Laboratory features researchers explaining animated sequences of their own experiments, which laid the foundation for understanding cancer at the molecular level. Cancer Causes and Prevention animates the molecular events triggered by carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke and diet and emphasizes how lifestyle changes can reduce cancer risk. In Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment visitors shadow doctors making a cancer diagnosis, showing the connections between cancer cell alterations and new treatment options. Pathways to Cancer takes visitors on a 3-dimensional tour of a cell and its signaling pathways, then allows them to see downstream effects of mutations and their relation to cancer evelopment. As new findings and therapies are discovered, we will update the modules to keep Inside Cancer current.
David MicklosShirley ChanSusan Lauter
The American Museum of Natural History requests SEPA support for a five-year development and implementation project entitled "Human Health and 'Human Bulletins': Scientists and Teens Explore Health Sciences in the Museum and World At Large." The program has three complementary components: (1) the development of 7 new productions for the Museum's digital media/documentary exhibition program, Human Bulletins featuring the newest health-related research; (2) a mini-course, entitled Hot Topics in Health Research NOW, an intensive after school program covering genetics, epidemiology, human health and human evolution, including a section on ethics in research; and (3) A "drop-in" Human Bulletins Science Club, where students meet monthly to watch a Human Bulletin visual news program, engage in informal discussions with significant researchers in the fields of evolutionary science and human health. The main goals of this project are: (1) to inform young people about emerging health-related research by using the Human Bulletins as core content for programming and points of engagement; (2) to promote a life-long interest in science among participants by teaching them how health-related science research could potentially affect them or their families; (3) to empower teens to critically assess the science presented to them in the Museum and in the world at large by teaching them to break down the "information bytes" of the Human Bulletins and to analyze how stories are presented visually and how to find answers to questions raised by the Bulletins; (4) for the young people in the program to see themselves as participants in the Museum by developing "mentor" relationships with Museum staff. This will allow students to see AMNH as an enduring institution to be used as a resource throughout their education and careers; and (5) to give students the means to envision themselves with future careers in science, research and in museums (thus fostering new generation of culturally-diverse, culturally enriched scientific leaders) by introducing them to scientists in an informal setting where there are no consequences for making mistakes or asking questions. The students will be given "behind the scenes" looks at new career options through the scientists featured in the Bulletins and the NIH funded researchers on the Advisory Board presenting at the informal sessions. Ultimately, the project aims to give students to critically process the information they receive about public health, see the relevance of human health science to their lives and pursue careers in health science. All of these skills are measurable through formative and summative evaluation. This project will teach young people to understand information about public health that is presented to them through visual and popular media as well as through formal scientific texts. It will also teach them to think about how human health sciences impact their lives and how the decisions they make impact larger human health. Finally, the program will also encourage students to pursue careers and further information about public health.
The Self-Reliance Foundation (SRF) requests Phase II support from NIH for the "Hispanic Role Model and Science Education Outreach Project." The project's goal is to develop daily, nationally broadcast, Spanish-language radio programming which encourages the development of science literacy in relation to biomedical research, introduces careers in biomedical research and other health sciences, and provides parents with information on how their children can achieve academic success. In addition, SRF proposes to support further learning through an 800-telephone number outreach service which links listeners with information and local resources, a related Web site with resources and links related to program topics, and a weekly newspaper column. SRF's daily programs reach a cumulative weekly audience of over two million. Through the proposed three year project, SRF can produce 90 short-form (two to five minute) and six one-hour programs on biomedical research, science education, and careers that will reach over two to three million listeners each week in the U.S. and additional listeners throughout the Western Hemisphere. The radio programs are already broadcast daily or weekly on over 100 Spanish-language stations reaching 80% of U.S. Hispanics. The programs will bring listeners the latest information on biomedical findings and how to use this information in everyday life, inspirational interviews with Hispanic biomedical research scientists, and practical information for students and parents on how to pursue careers at all levels in biomedical research fields and the health professions. Through partnerships with the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), the National Coalition of Hispanic Health and Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO), the ASPIRA Association, and other national groups, SRF will identify Hispanic biomedical research scientists and health care practitioners as experts in the development of editorial content of shows and as guests for role model interview shows.
Through the lens of cardiovascular health and wellness, The Heart of the Matter, a 5,000 square foot exhibition, will explore the science and technology that support medical efforts, advances, and discoveries. In order to promote interest and education in the basic science that underlies the health sciences, The Heart of the Matter draws on the popularity and educational value of the Institute's venerable walk-through Heart exhibition, and increasing and widespread concern over cardiovascular health. The exhibit uses hands-on activities, multimedia experiences, and computer interactives to introduce visitors to concepts of physiology, human biology, and health. For outreach and dissemination purposes, The Heart of the Matter also benefits from collaborative efforts with the American Heart Association and with area hospitals including Drexel University's Hahnemann Hospital and the nursing school of Thomas Jefferson University. With The Franklin Institute's walk-through heart serving as the exhibit's gateway to learning, visitors use the tools and techniques of medicine to investigate the human body and to evaluate their own health-related choices. The Heart of the Matter: 1. Provides visitors with an introduction to basic concepts of human biology and physiology, 2. Introduces visitors to the scientific research and development which is generating new medical techniques and technologies, and 3. Encourage visitors to be proactive in making choices that affect their health.
The overall goal of this project is to further develop and test one high-potential current health science research dissemination strategy initially prototyped as part of the SEPA Phase I development of the Museum of Science-s Current Science & Technology Center: updateable interactive digital multimedia displays on current research that can be networked to multiple locations, including science museums, libraries, and student centers. This SEPA project aims to broadly disseminate learning resources on nanomedicine research, capitalizing on the momentum provided by the new NSF-funded Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net), also headquartered at the Museum of Science, Boston, which has plans to place exhibits relating to nanotechnology in 100 museums by 2011. In collaboration with the NISE-Net, the SEPA-funded team will: 1) Research, write, and produce four - six multimedia stories about current nanomedicine research, including elements such as researcher profiles, interpretive animations, interactives exploring the basic science, potential for human benefit, and pathways for further inquiry, 2) Prototype an updateable and networkable software interface and a physical digital display kiosk that can serve audiences in science museums, student centers, libraries, and other public locations, 3) Evaluate the effectiveness of interface and story content and make plans for further development and distribution, and 4) Develop additional content production partnerships with research centers and media.
Alaska is a vast state with a widely dispersed population, lack of road access to most communities, natural barriers such as large expanses of wilderness, mountain ranges, rivers, some of the harshest weather anywhere, and high costs of travel. Providing adequate health programs, services and information to Alaska's remote and largely underserved population has proven to be a daunting task for health care administrators, providers, and educators. The Imaginarium plans to design and create a five-year Health Outreach Caravan program in order to educate and inform the Alaskan public about health science research, so they are better equipped to make healthier lifestyle choices. The program will also be designed to stimulate Alaskan students' interest in science, particularly those students in remote rural areas of Alaska who are traditionally underrepresented in the science professions. The specific objectives of The Imaginarium's Health Outreach Caravan are to form partnerships with the scientific, public health, educational and cultural communities to improve student and public understanding of health sciences; to develop mobile, hands-on, interactive and culturally appropriate health- related programs, exhibits, curricula and kits; to develop a Health Science Teen Volunteer Corps across remote, culturally unique regions of Alaska to facilitate linkages between biomedical scientists, village elders, and local community and school programs; to train teacher aids and teachers to present handson interactive and culturally appropriate classroom health science demonstrations; and to develop culturally appropriate community health science festivals to spark interest in science and health, and to improve student, family and public understanding of health science issues.
Haywood SavinaRamon WallaceGregory DannerErin Graves
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The New York Hall of Science (NYHOS), in partnership with the University of Michigan (UM), the Miami Museum of Science (MMOS), the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), and a broad group of Science and Museum Advisors, requests $1,349,349 over five years for a combined Phase I and Phase II NIH SEPA grant to develop, test and travel a new hands-on science exhibition on the subjects of natural selection and human health. With the working title "Evolution and Health," the 1000-square-foot interactive traveling exhibition will engage middle and high-school students, educators and the general public in inquiry-based learning on the role of evolution and natural selection in explanations of health, illness, prevention, and treatment. In addition, teacher development programs and online activities focusing on health issues seen from an evolutionary perspective will be developed by the NYHOS Education staff and disseminated along with the exhibition on its national tour. The project will address the relationship between health and natural selection; while there are many museum exhibitions on health, this will be only one of two to take an evolutionary perspective, and the only one to explore the relationship between health and natural selection. Ultimately, "Evolution and Health" will become a national model for conveying an evolutionary understanding of health, which will be increasingly central to research and public understanding in the coming years. "Evolution and Health" will increase visitors' comprehension of their own health issues by fostering a better understanding of evolution and natural selection. The project will seek to determine whether employing the perspective of natural selection can lead to a deeper understanding of human health.