In this paper, Jeff Bonner of the St. Louis Science Center discusses the merits of formal versus naturalistic evaluation within the museum context. Bonner also presents the approach and findings of a two-part study designed to compare the results of these two evaluation approaches. They compared the the results of a formal analysis of the holding power, ease of use, readability of text, and overall enjoyability of nine exhibits with a naturalistic study focused on how one volunteer, two part-time employees and a staff supervisor viewed the same exhibits.
In this paper, Minda Borun of the Franklin Institute discusses the publics' naive notions of science and how museums provide the opportune place to study the pre-existing misconceptions of visitors of all ages. Borun reveals findings from the Franklin Institute's 18-month study to discover visitors' naive notions about gravity and air pressure and to develop exhibits which help restructure these concepts. The project is intended to establish a new model for the design of effective science museum exhibits.
The Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, OH and the Science and Technology Interactive Center in Naperville, IL collaboratively plan to develop a series of interactive exhibits on nuclear and particle physics that will convey to a wide audience an understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and of the basic rules that underlie that universe. The purpose is to lead the visitors from the perceived complexities of our surroundings to an unperceived simpler features of the subnuclear world. The collaborators propose to develop two duplicate copies of eight exhibits, with one copy for display at each of the two institutions. They also look to making the plans available to other science centers inexpensively and on a copyright-free basis. An added feature of the project is the collaboration between the Center of Science and Industry, an established science center, and the Science and Technology Interactive Center, an emerging one.
The St. Louis Science Center, originating in the Academy of Science of St. Louis, founded in 1856, is today a major American science center attracting more than 670,000 visitors each year. A 34 million dollar facility expansion will open in late 1991. As part of that expansion, the science center will develop two unique sets of interactive science exhibitions that will encourage visitor interaction with concepts and ideas through "multiple-outcome participatory exhibits." These experimental exhibitions will be developed in two clusters totalling 2,000 to 3,000 square feet of exhibits that will be integral parts of larger, themed galleries. In the first cluster visitors will explore misconceptions and personal assumptions about science, using exhibit modules that address popular myths about science. Exhibits will demonstrate experimental phenomena contrary to naive views and allow visitors to replace existing ideas with more general and more powerful scientific principles. Approximately 15 exhibits on misconceptions in newtonian mechanics and classical optics as well as other areas will be developed. The second of the two clusters will allow free, open exploration by visitors of a variety of scientific phenomena and principles of explanation. Visitors will measure as well as observe, using modern laboratory instrumentation that can be successfully operated by visitors with minimal supervision. The topics of light, motion, sound, energy, and physiology will be covered with six lab stations in each. These experimental exhibit units will be developed with the assistance of outside advisors and consultants, will involve prototyping and formative evaluation of visitor response to trial units, and will include formal evaluation at the conclusion of the project. A unique cooperative agreement with the Science Museum of Minnesota will allow exchange of audience research data, staff exchanges, and frequent consultation between the two groups. This project will explore new modes of exhibit based learning and the potential in exhibit research partnerships. Cost sharing equal to the award will be provided by the St. Louis Science Center. The resulting exhibits will be seen by more than a million visitors each year in the new science center facilities.
The New York Hall of Science will develop a major exhibition on quantum theory--one of the most important developments in physical science in this century and one which has not been significantly treated by science museums. This exhibition will be the first major museum program to introduce quantum theory and its applications to the public. Elements of the exhibit will include models of the atom, the puzzle of light, applications of the theory and, finally, the human story of the creation of a new theory. Numerous participatory exhibits will be developed in conjunction with the project so that visitors can learn by doing. Formative evaluation will be an integral part of this exhibit. This technique has recently been adopted by museums as a way to test exhibit prototypes with museum visitors and then redesign as necessary. A workshop will be held for museum personnel and a guidebook, Improving Exhibits Through Formative Evaluation, will be produced. This book will be the first complete description of the formative evaluation process and will be a valuable addition to the museum field.
The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum proposes to design and construct a traveling exhibit on energy. The proposed exhibit will have two goals: one, to produce an imaginative exhibit that will stimulate interest and cognitive growth in understanding about geometry; two, to develop a related education program that will reach out to underserved audiences in Michigan and beyond, including minorities, children and citizens who live far from science centers, and audiences of small- and medium-sized science centers and children's museums in the state.