The St. Louis Science Center is a major metropolitan science museum serving a population of 2.3 million people. One year ago they moved into a new facility at a new location and attendance at the museum has tripled, reaching 600,00 visitors this past year. The center will develop a "Science Playground" in order to teach basic science principles and process through a series of 45 outdoor participatory exhibitions around the major areas of motion, energy, light, sound and the natural environment. The physics of motion will be explored through exhibits such as a friction slide, lunar gravity swing, double-axis human pendulum, etc. Energy exhibits will provide experiences with watermills and water power, fulcrum leverage and solar energy. Light exploration includes a solar column, prisms and rainbows, soundwheel and whisper discs. A weather station will have a rain gauge, anemometer, a variety of barometers, etc. This contemporary playground concept was developed as a response to limitations of indoor facilities and to extend use of outdoor space in a creative manner. The exhibit will be a model for extending science learning opportunities for schools, parks, other science museums and similar institutions. The center surveyed 31 science centers, 82 parks and 85 school districts to gauge interest in use of science playground exhibits, and found a clear interest in this type of project by all sectors surveyed. Exhibit designs will be published and furnished at cost to any facility wishing to replicate all or any part of the exhibition.
The New York Hall of Science will develop a major exhibition on quantum theory--one of the most important developments in physical science in this century and one which has not been significantly treated by science museums. This exhibition will be the first major museum program to introduce quantum theory and its applications to the public. Elements of the exhibit will include models of the atom, the puzzle of light, applications of the theory and, finally, the human story of the creation of a new theory. Numerous participatory exhibits will be developed in conjunction with the project so that visitors can learn by doing. Formative evaluation will be an integral part of this exhibit. This technique has recently been adopted by museums as a way to test exhibit prototypes with museum visitors and then redesign as necessary. A workshop will be held for museum personnel and a guidebook, Improving Exhibits Through Formative Evaluation, will be produced. This book will be the first complete description of the formative evaluation process and will be a valuable addition to the museum field.
The Willamette Science and Technology Center, a science museum located in the university town of Eugene, Oregon, proposes to design, construct and circulate a 1,000 square foot traveling mathematics and science exhibition, "Kaleidoscopes: Reflections of Science and Art" to 15 science museums over a three year period, reaching more than one million visitors. The exhibition will capitalize on popular interest in this 19th century optical toy to provide engaging and stimulating examples of mathematics and physics principles revealed in the exquisite symmetries and surprising patterns of kaleidoscopic reflection. Interactive exhibit modules will be combined with historic examples and the work of contemporary artists to appeal to a broad rang of ages and interests of visitors. Consultants with extensive experience with mathematics and mathematics education will assist in the design of the exhibit units and in the preparation of educational materials that will accompany the exhibition. The Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Service (SITES), will manage the circulation and maintenance of the exhibition during its travels and will publish the related educational materials and make them available to host museums. Project staff and consultant are highly qualified to carry out this project, which matches an increasing national interest in revitalizing mathematics education and a corresponding increased emphasis on mathematics education at the National Science Foundation. An award $71,310 for FY'87 is recommended.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum will design, test, fabricate, and circulate to eight museums an exhibit, "The Science of Music: Sound Waves and Sound Forms" that will introduce visitors to the physical laws that govern sound waves. By using music as an attractive and concrete subject to engage broad public interest, the exhibit will illustrate such topics as sound wave amplitude, phase, frequency, reflection and interference. Primary support for the project comes from the eight member Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative, consisting of: the Franklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia, PA; Discovery Place, Charlotte, NC; the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Fort Worth, TX; the California Museum of Science and Industry, Los Angeles, CA; the Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN; the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, IL; the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), Columbus, OH; and the Museum of Science, Boston, MA. Each has contributed $50,000 and the costs of exhibit shipping and maintenance. Direct matching fund support totals more than $381,000. The exhibit will spend three months in each location, and the total audience will exceed 1.5-million visitors over its eight museum tour. This project will extend the work of a group of museums that are already helping each other in a collaborative effort. The exhibit concept has high public appeal among groups that science finds it hard to reach, including teenagers and minorities. An FY87 award of $145,000 is recommended.