This study used a goal-oriented motivation framework. The goals that high school-age adolescents held for their out-of-school learning activities were investigated. Two different approaches to goals were examined: (a) goal setting-the process of specifying desired outcomes and a self-regulated learning strategy, and (b) goal content -the life aims that people have that direct their behavior. Sixty-six students were interviewed. Few of the adolescents used goal-setting techniques effectively; only eight had a plan or series of subgoals necessary for achieving their major goal. Goal content
In this article, University of Florida researchers John J. Koran, Jr., Mary Lou Koran, and Jim Ellis present a review of research on the effectiveness of field trip experience and analyze findings for trends.
John J. Koran Jr.Mary Lou KoranJim Ellis
In this article, Jacksonville State University researcher Stephen Bitgood presents a general overview of the literature on field trips. Bitgood reviews the four phases of school field trip programs: planning of the program, pre-visit preparation, on-site activities, and follow-up activities. Bitgood cites studies that address each of phase and acknowledges gaps in current research.
The Project Jason Museum Network, comprising a group of some 10 science museums throughout the United States and represented in this proposal by the Franklin Institute, requests partial support of a major experiment in the use of electronic field trips organized by Dr. Robert Ballard and associates at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Over a two week period in May 1989, a series of satellite television transmissions will provide more than 150,000 students at some dozen museums with live, two way interactive TV coverage of a significant underwater archaeological expedition in the central Mediterranean Sea carried out by Dr. Ballard's group. The research expedition will be widely publicized, with public interest and attention similar to that obtained during his explorations of the Titanic. A variety of archaelological, oceanographic, and technological programs will be provided to museums through a Project Jason Satellite Network established for the purpose; participating schools, teachers and school children will already be familiar with the project and its methods through curriculum materials developed by NSTA with support from NSF's Instructional Materials Development program. An extensive evaluation program will accompany the first year's effort, and the Network plans to continue providing material from Project Jason for several additional years. In addition, other forms of distance learning will be investigated and developed using the infrastructure developed for Project Jason. Overall, more than a million individuals will view programs provided by the network in live presentations or later videotapes. Direct cost sharing by the Network Members is more than $3 million, with similar amounts contributed by Dr. Ballard's group at Woods Hole.
A collaboration of staff from the University of California at Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science, School of Education, and the Cooperative Extension Service (4-H) will develop and implement SERIES (Science Experiences and Resources for Informal Education Settings), a state-wide informal science education program for the California State 4-H system. Over a three year period they will adapt existing science curricula and generate new materials for use in informal 4-H settings around the theme of science relevant to societal concerns, with an agricultural technology focus. They will design and test a comprehensive training model using the materials to insure their effective use by volunteer leaders, and develop an extensive cadre of CES staff and volunteer trainers skilled in training volunteer teachers in the use of the curriculum materials. The resulting curriculum and training materials will be published and made available at cost to all 4-H clubs. The project will directly benefit 100 paid and volunteer trainers, 1800 volunteer leaders and 12,600 youth participants, and will indirectly benefit the more than 60,000 youth enrolled in California 4-H programs each year.
Richard PonzioLaurel DeanHerbert Thier
The 4-H organization of Virginia is developing a Marine and Aquatic Education Program with a strong field study component for youngsters ages five through nine. They plan to reach these young people through local and community 4-H clubs and in summer camps. One part of the program is aimed at the handicapped and development of strategies to meet their special needs. Other components of the program include volunteer training of high school students and adult leaders and a series of publications with emphasis on "hands-on" activities. There is a strong national dissemination plan and, through a national survey, the Virginia 4-H have determined that 27 state 4-H organizations are interested in adapting program. The 4-H organization is the largest youth organization in the United States with a membership of 4.3 million young people. They have a strong network, both urban and rural, with minorities representing 22% of the membership, 53% are female and 63% are under 11 years of age. The Virginia 4-H mirrors the national picture but with a slightly more rural membership. This project provides an opportunity to strengthen science learning outside of the formal education system by supporting a test project in marine education. Over the next three years the project will be tested with 38,500 youngsters and 500 adults. The program will then be expanded to all 115,467 Virginia members as well as a strong outreach effort to the national membership. This project is directed at two important goals for the Informal Science Education Program: strengthening out-of-school science programs for young people and the handicapped. The marine science area is one of high interest and significance both locally and nationally. The staff are experienced and committed and the program is cost effective at a little over $3.00 per person.
Barry FoxWilliam ChristySusan GilleyMichael CliffordJoseph Hoffenberger
The Girls Clubs of America (GCA) plans to develop over a three year period informal science learning activities to increase the participation of women aged 14-18 in mathematics and science. These materials are part of an overall program, "Operation SMART," that is a major national commitment by the Girls Clubs of America to include science and mathematics education as a major component of GCA activities at all age levels. Prior projects have developed and implemented successful materials directed at elementary and middle school girls; the present project extends this effort into the critically important high school age years. The materials will be developed by project staff in association with developers at the Educational Development Center (EDC), piloted and tested in four Girls Clubs sites along with training chapters nationwide. A publisher will be identified for national distribution and sales of activity materials sets and a book-length publication designed for use by education programs of other youth-serving organizations. A partnership with the Business and Professional Women's Association (BPW/USA) and its 3400 local chapters and with the AAAS Linkages Project will create many non-Girls Club sites. Dissemination to other youth- serving organizations will be carried out through the National Collaboration for Youth. As a result, Operation SMART's high school age materials should reach several hundred thousand young women. Foundations and businesses will provide substantial additional project support; approximately 51% of the total $ l.4 million project budget is requested from NSF.
The Thames Science Center collaborative with the resources of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Wesleyan University and the National Air and Space Museum will design and develop the project, "Shoot For the Moon." This science education project will capitalize on the attraction, familiarity and proximity of the moon using it as a basis to enrich and supplement the eight and ninth grade physical science curriculum. Ten classroom units, complimentary experiments and demonstrations will be developed. "Moonwatch" software and audio visual materials, including an instructional videotape and a multi.image presentation will accompany the units. Sixteen teachers and museum educators will participate in the training, evaluation and testing as the project is integratedinto the curriculum of twelve schools and four museums. The project is designed to be replicated in schools and science centers in different geographical locations nationally. The site for development and testing will be the Thames Science Center, a regional science museum in eastern Connecticut. The science center offers formal science enrichment programs and tours for students and teacher professional development programs throughout the region.