The project includes a simulation based Family Learning Program to be administered through the International Challenger Learning Center (CLC) network. The goal is to develop families' skills in learning as a team through science, math and technology (SMT) in an environment where parents and children are co-travelers in a world of ideas. PACCT is disseminated through ten of the Challenger Learning Centers reaching 22,000 families nationwide. Many of these activities are completed in the home at no cost to the anticipated 12,500 participating families. Through this network of centers, all types of communities are served in many states. The activities include Sim-U-Voyages, where family teams work at home; Sim-U-Challenges, where families create a physical model responding to a challenge; Sim-U-Visits, where families hear from scientists and work as scientists in a team solving a problem; and Sim-U-Ventures, which result in flying a mission. Cost sharing is 8%.
WGBH is producing four, two-hour programs on the lives of scientists. These programs will be the initial programs in a continuing series of television portraits of distinguished scientists to be broadcast as regular features in the prime-time science series NOVA. The scientists to be covered in the first four programs are Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, and Percy Julian. By illuminating the lives and scientific careers of these important figures, the programs will enhance public understanding of such basic scientific concepts as evolution, the solar system, the chemical bond and the structure of the atom. Ultimately, the programs will give viewers a new perspective on the process of scientific discovery. Ancillary educational support for the programs will include enhanced content on the web site at NOVA Online and classroom support material in the NOVA Teacher's Guide that is mailed to 60,000 teachers nationwide. WGBH also has formed an outreach partnership with the American Library Association to create informal educational resources for use by families, youths, and adults. The core of this special outreach plan is a set of Library Resource Kits that will be available to all 16,000 public libraries. Paula Apsell, Executive Producer for NOVA, will serve as PI for the project. Members of the advisory committee include: Evelyn Fox Keller, Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, MIT; Kenneth R. Manning, Thomas Meloy Professor of Rhetoric and of the History of Science, MIT; Noami Oreskes, Associate Professor of History, University of California, San Diego; Daniel I. Rubenstein, Chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University; and Neil D. Tyson, Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium.
The Film Arts Foundation is producing a science documentary film to present accurate renditions of the local part of the Universe in a form accessible to the public. While work on our knowledge of the network structure of the universe has been rapidly growing over the past 20 years, there have been only rudimentary attempts to convey this information to the public because of the technical complexities that have made it a challenge to create an accurate display that is understandable by the lay person. New technological advances have greatly allieviated that problem. The high resolution animation in the series is being created by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. This prime-time television series will be produced in high-definition television and will be broadcast as part of the NOVA series on PBS. Ancillary material for use by viewers and schools is being developed by the Museum of Science in Boston. Additional project elements will include a set of half-hour programs called "What's Up in the Universe" for younger viewers. This series begins with discoveries of the properties of the Earth, then steps outward progressively until by the sixth program the audience is introduced to the scale of the universe. A paper and CD-ROM Atlas of the Nearby Universe provides easy access to important information and views of the universe and will allow users to choose from an index of rendered flights through space.
R. Brent TullySusan FriedmanThomas Lucas
This project for six (6) months' duration will bring advisors and designers together to plan an environment of interactive touch-screen displays to draw high-school students and their parents into thoughtful consideration of careers in science, mathematics, and technology. Housed at Kennedy Space Center's Visitor Center and in keeping with the theme of space exploration, the visitor will become a crewmember on a future voyage and solve problems encountered on the journey via computer simulations. Veteran astronauts will narrate the scenarios, since they have actually encountered unexpected problems in space. The proposed final exhibit will have six (6) stations, each featuring a different episode and levels of complexity of a common storyline. After solving the problem using math, science, technology and critical thinking skills, a registration mechanism will enable the student to request information on spedific careers and information about post-secondary schools that offer such training.
MarsQuest Online is an exploration-based website designed to complement the innovative MarsQuest traveling exhibit launched by the Space Science Institute (SSI) in 1997. "MarsQuest Online" will enhance and extend the exhibit, which is currently on a six-year, 18-city tour. TERC, working in collaboration with the Space Science Institute and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), will create a virtual version of the exhibit using software such as Java, Quicktime VR and JPL's sophisticated MarsNet Viewer system. Users will be immersed in an integrated, interactive environment complete with the tools and resources to carry out investigations and enhance inquiry-based learning. "MarsQuest" will expand users' understanding of the history of Mars, scientific exploration, the climate and related earth science concepts, while enabling them to follow the exploration of various landers and orbiters, and access NASA scientists. A diverse collection of Guided Inquiry experiences will foster the ability of users to develop inquiry and analysis skills, while offering options for novice, intermediate and advanced learners. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation plan will examine how the website and exhibit compare in promoting the understanding of science, broadening public interest in space exploration, and motivating further learning. The site will be promoted for use by schools as a tool for teaching earth science and space exploration. It is estimated that 300,000 people will visit "MarsQuest Online" annually.
Daniel BarstowPaul DusenberyPaul AndresChris Randall
The California Science Center Foundation will develop the California Science Center's Air and Space Gallery, a 12,000-square foot exhibit space. The California Science Center will reopen Aerospace Hall (closed in 1998) with new and re-designed exhibits and offer a full complement of learning experiences. Funding from NSF will support design, fabrication and core program development of the Air and Space Gallery. The Gallery will feature four themed areas that explore the depth and breadth of aeronautics and space exploration: Air and Aircraft; Humans and Their Spacecraft; Mission to the Planets; and Stars and Telescopes. Also featured will be a Discovery Room for young learners and their parents, a changing exhibit gallery and educational programs for the public and for schools.
How do we know the distance to a star? How do we know what a star is made of? How do we know how fast an object is moving? These questions are addressed in this 1,488 square foot permanent exhibit which emphasizes astronomical spectroscopy - the detailed analysis of light from astronomical objects. This interactive, bilingual (English/Spanish) exhibit will demonstrate different applications of spectroscopy that provide insight into the universe, and will provide opportunities for students, teachers, parents, and the general public to learn about the universe. Bilingual ancillary materials will be produced: pre- and post-visit materials for school visitors; a "Life at an Observatory" ten-minute orientation/information video to be shown at the visitor center. Target audiences are students in grades K-12, and general visitors.
The University of Texas at Austin requests $399,341 to expand the current Universo translations of StarDate into Spanish to more culturally relevant programs for a growing Hispanic audience. Plans include creation of longer programs with a different format for Hispanic Heritage Month for 1998-2000 and creation of complimentary collateral materials for distribution to 200 Spanish- language radio stations. Programs will also be distributed to 1,650 classrooms. A teacher's guide for using Universo in the classroom will be developed in English with activities available in both English and Spanish. A parent's guide to Universo/StarDate will also be produced to encourage parents to get involved in skywatching activities.
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory will develop "Cosmic Horizons: Our Place in Space and Time." This will be a 5,000-square-foot traveling exhibition to help visitors explore the extraordinary recent breakthroughs and current mysteries in our scientific understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe. Cosmic Horizons will reach over 3 million people on its tour of nine to twelve science museums. A coordinated set of programmatic activities and resources for adult and family audiences, materials for teachers and students, and on-site workshops for host venues will be developed in partnership with Boston's Museum of Science to maximize the impact of this space-science education endeavor.