This evaluation instrument was developed for Exploring Physics, an extra curricular program for 5-7 grade students, with a focus on female students. It is part of an NSF funded program entitled Promoting Young Women in the Physical Sciences.
This study was conducted as a part of the formative evaluation of the NISE Network forum Energy Challenges, Nanotech Solutions? The purpose of the forum was to bring members of the public together to discuss how they would suggest that NSF distribute funding among three different energy-related research topics: nanotechnology-dependent energy, existing alternative energy, and conservation & energy efficiency. During 2008, all five NISE Network Forum Team institutions (Exploratorium, Museum of Science, Museum of Life and Science, Science Museum of Minnesota, and Oregon Museum of Science and
Visitors to the Science Museum of Minnesota provided feedback on the books, How Small Is Nano? and Is That Robot Real? in order to assess the books and their ability to impart knowledge of nanoscience. The visitors, 63 adults in all, read one of the books to the child or children accompanying them, then answered a series of questions about their experience including their interest in and enjoyment of the book they read, as well as the age appropriateness of the book. The report compares and contrasts the two books throughout.
This report evaluates the program entitled “Treating Tumors with Gold” by looking at visitor feedback in an attempt to assess the success with which the presentation was able to educate the public on a particular study using nanotechnology. The exit survey instrument is included in the appendix of this report.
This report details formative testing of several Introduction to Nanomedicine prototypes including an early version of Treating Disease. These activities were conducted in February 2007.
This formative evaluation tested 3 prototypes for the Introduction to Nanotechnology in March 2006. Of the three prototypes tested Self Assembly continued forward to a final exhibit: Creating Nanomaterials. The concepts in Colored Glass prototype informed the development of Unexpected Properties.
Four nanomedicine prototypes were testing in May and June of 2006. The results from this evaluation helped with the development of the final exhibit of Treating Disease.
This report summarizes the formative testing of multiple Nanomedicine prototypes as well as a comparison of visitors who experience both the Nanomedicine prototypes and the Introduction to Nanotechnology prototypes.
A formative evaluation was conducted on Three Drops, an Immersive Digital Interactive (IDI), that allows visitors to interact with simulations of water at different size scales where different physical forces dominate. This evaluation revisits the exhibit after changes were made to address issues identified in the first series of formatives.
This documents the formative evaluation of Diffusion (aka Mixing Molecules), an immersive video interactive display demonstrating the collision of molecules.
This formative evaluation was conducted to see how the addition of an interactive media piece enhanced visitors' understanding of Nasturtium, a life sciences exhibit that demonstrates the water repelling properties of nasturtium leaves. The media piece allows the visitor to view leaf structures at progressively higher magnifications to better illustrate their scale and function. The interview questions used in this study are included in the appendix of this report.