MacGillivray Freeman Films, in collaboration with Texas A&M University's Marine Mammal Research Program, Mote Marine Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, ASPIRA Association, Inc, and Media Education Consultants, is producing a 40 minute, large format film on wild dolphins. The film will feature the research being done by two scientists: Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski, a young marine scientist investigating dolphin communication and social systems, and Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, a young Hispanic Ph.D. researching dolphin behavior and ecology. The film will inform the audiences about the methods, tools and significance of dolphin research and immerse them in on-going scientific investigations of wild dolphins in their natural habitat. The film will be supported by teacher's guides, a Science Career Exploration Unit for Hispanic youth distributed through ASPIRA, a School Trip Package for distribution to 11,000 teachers, and a Museum Educator Kit. The project also will provide theaters with 2,000 free passes for minority and low-income outreach programs. Greg MacGillivray, President of MacGillivray Freeman Films will be Executive Producer/Co-Producer/Co-Director/Co-Director of Photography. The other Co-Producer will be Alec Lorimore, Vice President for Film Production and Development at MacGillivray Freeman Films. The Co-Director/Co-Director of Photography will be Bob Talbot, an independent marine photographer. Dr. Bernd Wursig, Professor of Marine Mammalogy, Director of the Marine Mammal research Program, and Co-Director of the Institute of Marine Life Science at Texas A&M University will serve as the chief content advisor. Other science advisors include Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, Kathleen Dudzinski, Randy Wells, Peter Tyack, and the staff scientists from the Mote Marine Laboratory. Informal science education and outreach advisors include Raylene Decatur, David Ellis, Freda Nicholson, Simone Bloom-Nathan, and Hilda Crespo. Project evaluation will be conducted by Barbara Flagg.
The Exploratorium is developing the pilot for a Saturday morning science-oriented, live-action, film and animation, national network television series for teens aged 13 to 17. The half-hour show will present everyday science and the process of problem solving in a fast-paced, hip, and challenge-oriented format. Two teams, each of three teenagers, will compete in a series of challenges which require the application of common sense knowledge, observation, experimentation, and problem-solving strategies useful in science. The object is to demonstrate that real-world problem solving makes use of many skills and may have more than one solution. The Exploratorium will administer the project and will be responsible for the science content. Production will be done by Colossal Pictures, a San Francisco production studio experienced in animation and youth-oriented programming.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will produce and distribute a half-hour science adventure show for weekly broadcast, primarily on commercial children's radio stations. The series, 'The Kinetic City Super Crew,' is targeted at children 8-10 years old with an emphasis on urban children, girls, minorities, and children with disabilities. The series of 92 programs also will be designed for family listening. The programs revolve around a drama led by child actors and include discussions with scientists and information for at-home experiments. The Co-Principal Investigators will be Jerry Bell and Gerald Wheeler. Bell is Program Director for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education at AAAS and will be responsible for overall management of the project. Wheeler is Program Director for the Public Understanding of Science and Technology and will serve as the Science Content Director for the programs. There also will be a Science Content Team (consisting of Bell, Shirley Malcom and Andrew Ahlgren) that will work closely with Wheeler, the production staff, and the advisors to review show themes, scientists to be interviewed, overall content, and to serve as arbiters for questions related to their respective fields. Bob Hirshon will serve as Executive Produce/Project Director and John Keefe will be Senior Producer.
Over a period of three years, Wisconsin Public Television is producing the science strand in the television series, Get Real!. This series, which is broadcast on all public television stations and many commercial stations in Wisconsin, presents children involved in and succeeding at a variety of activities. The youth hosts introduce kids as heroes, problem-solvers, thinkers, learners, and helpers. These stories present role models to help enhance self-image and the sense of worth. The science strand runs through each of the programs, delivering science as an integral ingredient of the wide-ranging vignettes which are directly relevant to the audiences' world and interests. The series is designed for at-home viewing. However, to ensure that the science strand works within the context of the science curriculum used in Wisconsin public schools, the project has developed partnerships with The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters through its Center for the Advancement of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (CASE) and the Wisconsin Elementary and Middles Level Science Teachers (WEST) association. This request is support continued production of the science strand, expand outreach, and to extend carriage into neighboring states. Wisconsin Public Television has made a commitment to include the science strand as a regular part of the series and is developing a business plan to develop a steady source of revenue to support its production. Therefore, this request is for declining support over the three years of the grant.
KCTS is producing Sci-Squad, a national weekly science education television series for children ages 8 to 10. The thirteen half-hour programs in the series will show a team of kids, the Sci-Squad, who use inquire and collaboration to seek the solution to a science problem. The team is led by Howzit, a young woman computer whiz. Working cooperatively the team investigates each scientific subject through a combination of first-hand experimentation, Internet surfing, field research, and visits to real-world scientists. Each of the characters models a different mode of science inquiry in search to a question the team receives at the beginning of each program. Youth who view the programs will be encouraged to follow along with the Sci-Squad and will be challenged to observe, measure, think critically, analyze results, and devise further experiments. Outreach materials to support science activities by viewers include an Explorer's Guide for youth, a Parents Guide, and a Guide for Teachers. There also will be collaborations with science and youth serving organizations such as Boys & Girls Club of America, Family Math, GEMS, Science Linkages in the Community, the National Science Teachers Association, the National PTA, and, for the Hispanic population, ASPIRA and the National Council of La Raza. Bill Jersey, President of Quest Productions, will be the Senior Producer, Director, and Co-Project Director. The creator of the project and Co-Project Director is Pierre Valette, a producer and writer of documentaries for Quest Productions and previously an Associate Producer in Children's Programming at WGBH. Elizabeth Brock will be the Executive-in-Charge of Production for KCTS. The Senior Science Consultant is Ted Ansbacher who previously was Director of Exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and Director of Education/Senior Scientist at The Chicago Museum of Science.
Bill JerseyPierre ValetteElizabeth BrockJeff GentesBarbara Flagg
Twin Cities Public Television (KCTA) is producing and evaluating a pilot for a new science series for children ages 8-12 to be produced in conjunction with Miami University of Ohio and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Called Dragonfly, the pilot will be based on the children's magazine of the same name and will consist of segments presented by children that document their own science investigations and presentations by professional scientists of work in related fields. Each program will include two or more presentations by children, one or two presentations by scientists, a science challenge to be resolved within the show, one or two hands-on activities to engage viewers at home, and a presentation of children's artwork or poem in which they express their impressions of science and nature. The series would be coordinated with the Dragonfly magazine and with a parallel program, Dragonfly Quest, an Internet and youth-based activity pilot endeavor funded under another grant. The Executive Producer would be Richard Hudson, who has previously served as Executive Producer for Newton's Apple, a series also produced by KCTA. Chris Myers, of Miami University and creator of the magazine, will have primary responsibility for the science content, and Phyllis Marcuccio at the NSTA will be responsible for the coordination between the television project and the magazine, which is published by NSTA. The producers will work with an advisory committee that includes Gerald Wheeler, Lawrence Lowery, Joan McShane, Hardy Eshbaugh, Shawn Carlson, Kenneth Phillips, Milton Chen, James Steinbach, and Cheryl Gotthelf.
The New York Hall of Science, in collaboration with the Lawrence Hall of Science, is producing and evaluating an application of recently available technology, the random-access audio player, which offers the promise of improving the effectiveness of learning at science-technology center interactive exhibits. The audio "tours" that are being produced and tested will have varying degrees of branching and layering appropriate to the nature of each exhibit unit design. A "highlights" audio tour will be created for the Lawrence Hall of Science and an audio tour focusing on a single group of light, color, and vision exhibits will be created for the New York Hall of Science. The audio tours will be tested with two different categories of audience at each site: the general public on weekends and schools groups on weekdays. Alan Friedman, Director of the New York Hall of Science, will be the Principal Investigator. The Lawrence Hall of Science will be represented by Brooke Smith. The audio tours will be written and produced by Steve Tokar, the producer of Science Today a daily radio science program on the CBS radio network. Beverly Serrell, Director of Serrell & Associates, will conduct the evaluation of the audio tours at each site.
Under the Planning Grant Guidelines The Invention Factory Science Center (IFSC) develop "The Invention Factory Science Center Phase One Plan". This new science center is the central component of mixed-use redevelopment effort at the 45-acre Roebling Industrial complex in Trenton, New Jersey. Phase One includes the development of a 3200 sq. ft. visitor's center which is scheduled to open in the Spring of 1997. The IFSC will develop "Pathways to Science and Technology: An Informal Science Learning System, which is to be an innovative, interactive computer-based system of activities designed to stimulate self-directed and continuous learning. It will have a strong regional/community base, will leverage resources from local academic, industrial, and educational institutions, and will be disseminated broadly via state-of-the-art telecommunications technology. The planning activities will include front-end evaluation of the needs and interests of the community, meetings of the advisory committee, the development of plans for the "Pathfinders" software program, and development of plans for the overall evaluation of the project. t the end of the twelve-month planning period they will have designs and cost-estimates for the interactive activities and a general plan for the Visitor center. The value that this planning grant adds to their effort is support to bring nationally recognized leaders in exhibit development and informal learning to the planning sessions.
The AAAS is developing and testing a pilot phase of an on-line website science club for youth. Kinetic City Cyberclub will engage youth in episodic adventures to promote both group and independent exploration. Users will receive carefully crafted, paced challenges as they wind their way through a mystery or other related activity. The adventures will be presented over time in a series of episodes that require users to use science toward solving an on-going mystery or problem. Components of the on-line club will include: Story Pods which set up the problem and inform users of what has been learned to date; Clue Pods which include information and activities that users can add to their individual electronic notebooks; Experiment Pods where users will be able to try out different theories to solve immediate problems; Discussion Pods where questions will be posed to which users are encourage to respond; and a Voting Pods where users get to vote on the next direction the science exploration should take or on possible solutions to problems. Components of the web page will be updated on a regular basis with most of the content being changed weekly and, in some instances, daily. The PI will be Robert Hirshon of the AAAS who has been the key developer of The Kinetic City Super Crew, the radio series on which the Kinetic City Cyberclub is based. The Senior Producer responsible for developing and maintaining the website will be Kimberly Amaral. Ms. Amaral previously been a writer/web developer for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Coastal Research Center and Sea Grant and she has worked as a researcher/writer for Bill Nye the Science Guy. Dissemination and outreach will be a joint effort of the AAAS and the National Science Teachers Association. Evaluation will be conducted by Arthur C. Johnson, an independent evaluator and instructor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
The Widmeyer-Baker Group (TWBG) working in conjunction with The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Incorporated (NACME) proposes to design and implement a campaign of Public Understanding and Engagement of Mathematics targeted toward national, state, and local audiences. The primary goal of the campaign is to engage the publics' thinking about what students in the United States should know and be able to do in mathematics in the middle school grades and the reasons mathematics is important to successful careers and to live an interesting and productive life. The approach will expose a diverse cross-section of Americans to mathematics using math puzzles designed by NCTM. TWBG will make widespread use of these camera-ready math puzzles in a variety of ways and formats. The primary audience for this campaign is the general adult population. The secondary audience is the middle school students and their parents, including persons serving as parent surrogates (i.e., extended family, foster parents, daycare providers, etc.). This initiative will be a grassroots effort capable of reaching every community throughout the United States. TWBG will be expected to make creative use and/ or collaboration with mass media, policy/administrative/teaching and grassroots organizations, corporations, and federal and state agencies in dissemination of the message about the campaign.
WNET is producing and evaluating the pilot phase of a multi-media mathematics education project for children aged nine to eleven. The centerpiece of the project will be an animated television series for national broadcast via PBS. In each of the weekly programs, a team of young characters would be drawn into a computer and become protagonists on intriguing missions in locations as varied as a contemporary theme park or the deserts of ancient Egypt. Facing an evil adversary, the young heroes use mathematics to overcome challenges in the course of their travels and adventures. At the end of each episode viewers will be invited to use mathematics to solve a cliffhanger. The series will be supported by a targeted national outreach campaign with cooperating public television stations and three national partners. Ancillary material will consist of an interactive Internet site and print materials including a magazine with activities, puzzles, problems, and comics. The PI for the project will be Ruth Ann Burns, Vice President and Director of Educational Resources Center at WNET. The two key Math Content Directors will be Mari Muri, currently an advisor to the Connecticut State Department of Education, and Carey Bolster, Director of the PBS Mathline K-12 projects. Joel Schneider of Children's Television Workshop will be the Lead Content Advisor. The Series Producer will be Kristin Martin who has most recently served as Lead Producer for The Magic School Bus. Edward Kaskt, a computer animator with extensive experience with Children's Television Workshop, Nickelodeon, ABC, NBC, CBS, and HBO will be the series' Creative Director.
Ruth BurnsCarey BolsterSandra SheppardBarbara Flagg
National Public Radio (NPR) has been awarded a grant of $807,335 in declining amounts over a four year period for production of Science Friday, the weekly two-hour call-in radio show that deals with science topics. Over the four year period, NPR will make an increasingly larger commitment to the total budget of $1,763,768 until they assume total budgetary responsibility for the project in FY 2001. The series' goal is to make science easily accessible to the public and to help them realize the relevance of science and technology to everyday life. The format of the programs enables the public to engage in conversations with scientists and science educators to discuss contemporary science topics. Science issues anticipated to be included in future programs include: science and mathematics education, science literacy, science risk assessment and public policy, and the future of technology. In addition to the broadcast series, NPR will develop a web site for Science Friday which will distribute the radio series on demand via the Internet, bring Science Friday to cities and rural areas where the series is not broadcast, create live Internet chat groups where listeners can meet to discuss the program, provide sound bytes and audio files of guests, and create a "Science Day Book" which will be a calendar of events loaded with science opportunities for people in their own home towns. Science Friday also has established a joint project with Kidsnet, an established computerized clearinghouse for education through the media. Ira Flatow will continue as the series host and producer. Barbara Flagg of Multimedia Research has been engaged to assess the audience impact of the project.
Kevin KloseWilliam BuzenbergBarbara Flagg