As the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico attracts thousands of visitors each year, of all ages and from many countries. Pride in the Observatory has caused local Puerto Rican organizations to contribute the funds necessary for the construction of the new Arecibo Observatory Visitor and Educational Facility. Cornell University, in behalf of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, is requesting $774,463 form the NSF-ISE over a two year period to develop and implement the exhibits and educational programs which will give life to the Educational Facility. Within the facility, we propose establishing an educational program centered on the theme "More Than Meets the Eye", which will reflect the general idea that we can study our world with tools which extend our direct sensory experience. The proposed program will explore the unseen sky and, in particular, the objects that fall under the scrutiny of a radio telescope. Specifically, the program will introduce the visitors to the electromagnetic spectrum as a means of exploration, will offer a framework of basic astronomy and atmospheric science, and will provide understanding of the function and operation of the Arecibo radio telescope. Some of Arecibo's most exciting new discoveries in the fields of radio astronomy, solar system radar astronomy and astomospheric science will be presented so that visitors can experience the dynamic nature of science.
Ohio's Center of Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, Ohio, in association with the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, WA. and the Battelle Memorial Institute will create and circulate a 4,000 square foot traveling exhibition, "Mission to Mars." Interactive exhibit units will be organized into a spacecraft mission simulator. Visitors in teams will run a scientific mission to the planet Mars. Exhibits and simulation activities will cover basic and applied science and mathematics topics appropriate for middle to high school students and family audiences. Educational materials for school use will accompany the exhibition. COSI has a strong reputation for interactive science exhibitions. Their widely acclaimed "Science of Sports" exhibition will be seen in more than 15 cities. The Pacific Science Center has a similar reputation for educational exhibitions and related materials development. Their educational materials on dinosaurs have been widely used by other museums. The Battelle Memorial Institute is a world- renowned research and applied science organization. "Mission to Mars" is supported by commitments from thirteen of America's leading science museums and a major award from Apple Computer Company. The project team will deliver a timely exhibition that will be both engaging and challenging, rich with scientific detail while still appealing to family audiences. "Mission to Mars" will travel to 13 cities on a three year tour, reaching an estimated three to five million people. NSF's 43% of the project cost will be leveraged by more than $878,000 in contributions from the originating institutions, from the displaying museums and from Apple.
Charles O'ConnorJoseph WisneMichael Stanley
The scientific community is challenged by the need to reach out to students who have traditionally not been attracted to engineering and the sciences. This project would provide a link between the University of Michigan and the teachers and students of secondary education in the State of Michigan with an initial emphasis on southeast Michigan, through the creation of a range of computer services which will provide interactive access to current weather and climate change information. Taking advantage of a unique computer network capacity within the State of Michigan named MichNet which provides local phone ports in virtually every major city in the state, and the resources available to the university community via the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) UNIDATA program, this project would provide secondary schools with access to a state-of-the-art interactive weather information system. The real-time data available via the system, supplemented by interactive computer modules designed in collaboration with earth science teachers, will provide animated background information on a range of climate and weather related topics. While the principal objective of this project will be to provide educationally stimulating interactive computer systems and electronic weather and climate modules for application in inner city Detroit and its environs, the unique nature of the available computer networking will allow virtually every school system in the state to have access. Subsequently successful completion of this project could eventually make the same systems available to other cities and states.
Three successful marine science curricula and teacher training packages, For Sea, Mare, and Living in Water, developed by the Marine Science Center, the Lawrence Hall of Science, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore, will be refined and enhanced in preparation for the production of two, multimedia compact discs (CD ROM). Advances in CD ROM technology coupled with increasing accessibility to the technology, make the compact disc an effective tool for curriculum development, utilization, and distribution. The compact disc will contain all text and graphic images from the three curricular projects; and, a comprehensive indexing system allowing materials to be utilized in a variety of manners, including thematically and topically, to effect curriculum integration. Training will be provided to an existing cadre of teacher trainers to maximize the implementation of the new curriculum and CD ROM disc.
The Thames Science Center collaborative with the resources of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Wesleyan University and the National Air and Space Museum will design and develop the project, "Shoot For the Moon." This science education project will capitalize on the attraction, familiarity and proximity of the moon using it as a basis to enrich and supplement the eight and ninth grade physical science curriculum. Ten classroom units, complimentary experiments and demonstrations will be developed. "Moonwatch" software and audio visual materials, including an instructional videotape and a multi.image presentation will accompany the units. Sixteen teachers and museum educators will participate in the training, evaluation and testing as the project is integratedinto the curriculum of twelve schools and four museums. The project is designed to be replicated in schools and science centers in different geographical locations nationally. The site for development and testing will be the Thames Science Center, a regional science museum in eastern Connecticut. The science center offers formal science enrichment programs and tours for students and teacher professional development programs throughout the region.
This project is a collaboration by the Children's Museum, Museum of Science, and Franklin Park Zoo designed to provide hands-on science activities and increase interest in science as a career for children in grades 6-8 who attend community agency after school programs. Groups of 20-25 students will attend 8-week courses at each institution, rotating to all three during the year. After completing the courses, selected students will become interns for summer training and work at the institutions. The goals of the project are to offer engaging science to underserved children and motivate them to further study; to build a bridge to community groups from the three institutions; to bolster science programs at community centers through training their staff; and to create a replicable model for other science centers, children's museums and nature centers to work with community agencies and to involve parents in their children's activities. Videotapes, to be produced by WGBH-PBS will be distributed to science centers: tapes will document finding effective ways to work in the children, the particular experiences of the three institutions, and the children's experiences with and attitudes toward science. A summer institute will be held for museum professionals from other institutions.
"Atmospheric Explorations: Participatory, Computer-Based Simulations of the Weather" is a collaborative project of Augsburg College and the Science Museum of Minnesota. The purpose of the project is to enhance the interest and skills of museum visitors and students in science by providing a highly interactive exhibit environmental that allows the users considerable freedom in exploring topics in meteorology relevant to their everydays lives. The exhibits will be designed to accommodate a gender- and racially-diverse audience of national scope.
William JaspersonDavid VenneJ. Newlin
Public Television station WQED/Pittsburgh, in partnership with five medical research and clinical centers, proposes to develop, test and distribute a national biomedical video education program based on "The Universe Within," a planned PBS series. The project is intended to bring scientists and clinicians into closer contact with pre-college students to study human body systems and increase career interest in the life sciences. Designed to improve science education and literacy, the project will also enhance overall appreciation of achievements in biomedicine. Using advanced television, photographic and animation techniques, the project will create a collection of educational tools for use by science and health teachers as well as by scientific investigators and clinicians. These modules will demonstrate how most of the body's primary systems function and how they can be kept healthy. The approach will combine visual and print curriculum materials with the personal presence of medical scientists, thus providing an opportunity for students to develop interest, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This flexible educational package can be updated as important new changes occur in medical science, thus extending the life of costly materials. In addition, through multiple narration tracks, the video elements can be customized for various levels of age and grade instruction.
The New York Hall of Science, working with the Association of Science-Technology Centers Traveling Exhibition Service proposes to develop, test and nationally tour a 500 square foot hands-on exhibition and associated education materials for use by students, teachers, and families on AIDS and the human immune system. The program will be targeted at grades 6 - 12 and their families. It will be developed in year one and then toured in years two and three. One copy of the exhibition will be presented at the New York Hall of Science for the highly AIDS impacted metropolitan area. The other copy of the exhibition will tour to 10 museums nationally. Annual training for the touring sites will ensure that the exhibition and materials can be effectively utilized in conjunction with existing education and science career programs in each city. It is stated that the exhibition and education materials will improve the public understanding of contemporary science and medicine by communicating one essential component of twentieth century biology seldom presented to the public: the fundamentals of microbiology underlying the much-discussed AIDS epidemic. Learning objectives designed for age appropriateness include: (1) to understand the nature of HIV and the difference between testing positive for HIV antibodies and having AIDS; (2) to understand the operation of healthy and infected immune systems; (3) to understand what behaviors result in the spread of HIV and (4) to understand how people can prevent infection. In order to ensure effectiveness in meeting these goals, an independent evaluator will be employed in year one to evaluate each stage of the exhibition in formation and, then, in year two to produce summative evaluation for dissemination to the health and museum education fields.