The Museum of Science and Industry seeks to facilitate the establishment of a network of Independent science clubs. Located in Chicago's south side, the Museum operates an in-house science club which has over many years developed a large investory of activities. The members themselves, drawn from a broad socio-economic base, have contributed much of the content and character of this hands-on program. Now, in response to chicago's pressing local need for strong equity programming in science and technology education, the Museum proposes to "package" this club such that local chapters can readily be sent up throughout the city land region, especially in community centers, churches and Park District recreation centers. The club "package" will include: Modules of learning activities for various ages with supporting materials and equipment; Museum-coordinated trips to research and industrial sites; gatherings at the Museum; training of club facilitators; and adaptable organization format with an accounting system; recruitment of volunteers as helpers and role models; substantial help with fund-raising. NSF support is sought for the establishment of the modules and system, and the Museum commits itself to on-going maintenance and coordination of the network. The Science Club Network will draw extensively on existing programs, community networks and support systems. The Museum has already elicited many commitments of financial and other support for local chapters.
Roger MitchellMark WagnerSheridan Turner
The purpose of the NSF grant is to support the production of "the Scientist:, an hour-long film in a six-part television series entitled RENAISSANCE. Designed to appeal to non- specialists -- the general public as well as high school and college students -- the film will recreate the ge of the Renaissance by drawing on a mixture of animation; documentary footage of historic sites and art; interviews with contemporary figures who represent the continuing influence of the Renaissance; and actors speaking the words of the period. Viewers will thus hear the words of great figures; see the results of their work; and be treated to re-enactments that evoke their lives. Like al the films in the series, "The Scientist" will trace an important theme of the Renaissance -- in this case, the birth of modern science -- using all aspects of its society and culture to convey both a sense of the past and a perspective on the present. 'thanks to the rich materials of the age, and the lively confrontations it witnessed, a modern audience will come to understand both the origins of the scientific outlook and -- through the interviews with contemporary scientists -- how it continues to shape our world.
This National Science Foundation grant was designed to expand NACME's existing information program to reach more teachers, counselors and parents of minority students at the junior and senior high school levels and, ultimately, to provide more and better information to the students themselves. Materials produced under the grant to convey the message that minority students can find rewarding, attainable careers in mathematics and science-based fields, that financial aid is available to help students prepare for such careers, that there are specific academic prerequisites for students interested in studying engineering at the college-level, and that there is a growing network of programs to encourage the study of engineering and related technical fields among under represented minority students. Specifically, this funding was used to develop, produce and distribute: "Engineering, Your Key to the 21st Century" 30,000 brochures with companion posters targeting junior high school students, parents and teachers. "Financial Aid Unscrambled: A Guide for Minority Engineering Students" 30,000 books targeting high school seniors, teachers, guidance counselors and parents. "Students Guide to Engineering Schools" 30,000 books targeting high school students, teachers, guidance counselors and parents. "MEPs/USA: The Directory of Precollege and University Minority Engineering Programs" 5,000 directories for guidance counselors, teachers, program directors and other participants in the field.
Through the proposed project, approximately 555,000 youth and adults will improve their knowledge of the basic sciences and mathematics, and learn to integrate and apply these disciplines, by analyzing local environmental problems using remote sensing imagery and maps. Faculty from the Cornell laboratory for Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing (CLEARS) and Cornell Department of Natural Resources will train county teams of teachers, museum and nature center educators, community leaders, and Cooperative Extension agents from throughout New York State to conduct educational programs with youth and adults in their communities. Previously developed CLEARS educator enrichment workshops and training materials will be enhanced and revised based on the interactions among Cornell Faculty, informal and formal science educators, and students during this program. A facultative evaluation focusing on the workshops, training materials, and educator teaching skills, and a summative evaluation focusing on student learning and attitudes, program delivery in the various community education settings, and the effectiveness of the county educator teams will be conducted. The results of the evaluation will be incorporated into a program handbook and used in nationwide dissemination of the program.
Girls Inc. will develop a national model summer program for girls aged 12 to 16 to encourage their interest in science, their enrollment in science courses in high school, and their interest in science careers. The recruitment of girls from low-income and minority families as participants will be a high priority. The program will represent a synthesis of Operation Smart, an afterschool science and mathematics program, and Eureka Teen Achievement Program, which introduces science and mathematics in summer programs through sports. The program will be developed and field- tested in five diverse Girls inc. sites around the country and to other interested groups. Substantial formative and impact evaluation is planned.
Libby PalmerHeather Johnston Nicholsonellen wahl
To provide the general public with an understanding of the basic principles that underlie the transmission, storage, and retrieval of information, the Fleet Center proposes to build SIGNALS, a 4,500 square foot exhibition. SIGNALS will be divided into three sections, of approximately 15 interactive exhibits each, which explore the physical principles of wave motion, the properties of electromagnetic pulses useful for communications, and the signal processing that enables us to handle information. An Advisory Committee comprised of highly qualified individuals at the leading edge of their fields will support development of SIGNALS; a very experienced team of exhibit developers will fabricate the exhibition. SIGNALS will become a permanent exhibition in an expanded Fleet Center, where it is expected to attract 1 million visitors a year, including at least 100,000 K-12 students. Since the lack of technological understanding is a national problem, we propose to build a 3,000 square foot traveling version of SIGNALS, contingent upon an NSF review of the completed permanent exhibition. The total cost for both exhibitions is $1,983,480. We are requesting $985,900 from NSF: $692,800 for the permanent exhibition and $293,100 for the traveling exhibition. The project will begin in June, 1992, and be completed by June, 1996.
In the mid-1980's, Denver Audubon Society developed a model Urban Education Project. The Project engages thousands of 8-12 year olds and trained volunteers in hands-on investigations of neighborhood plants, animals, and ecological relationships each year. With NSF support, we have helped seven other cities establish similar projects and have proven that the project model is highly successful and adaptable. This proposal requests funds to develop a kit of strategies and materials that will enable us to further disseminate the model in a time-and cost-efficient manner. The dissemination kit will be tested as experienced project leaders from established projects help eight new cities start local projects. Their feedback will direct us in revising the kits. By 1993, the completed dissemination kits will give experienced project leaders the tools necessary to help parents, informal education institutions, and concerned citizens across the country establish similar ecology education projects in their communities.
Founded in 1979, the Science Skills Center (SSC) is a non-profit community based program which encourages young minority and female students to pursue careers in science, mathematics, and technology. At its current two sites, located in Brooklyn, New York, approximately 400 students, ages six to eighteen, are enrolled in programs where they take accelerated courses in biology, chemistry, physical science, rocketry, oceanography, botany, and advanced mathematics. Classes, which are presented within the cultural and linguistic understanding of minority children, provide students with an opportunity to recognize the relationship of science, mathematics, and technology to their everyday lives. The SSC proposes to replicate its present programs, establishing three additional sites in the New York City area in three years. The SSC also proposes to establish a systematic replication program which would assist other communities, both regional and national, to establish their own SSCs. This project would require a resource person to guide communities in all aspects of program development. To assist in that effort, SSC proposes development of comprehensive educational and administrative manuals as well as the preparation of accompanying training and profile videos. Finally, the SSC proposes to develop a research module in software and manual form which would assess and track student learning, school performance, performance on standardized exams, career aspiration and selection, and student attitudes in a community based science program targeting minority students.
Ornithology is one of the few scientific disciplines to which amateurs can still make significant contributions. Whether they observe birds at a feeder, count birds for a national census, or conduct a simple experiment, their activities contribute greatly to our knowledge of birds. Furthermore, participants in bird study programs not only learn about birds, they also become more aware of environmental problems. The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology exists to facilitate such amateur involvement and education. This proposal is aimed at strengthening our education programs and expanding them to include under-served audiences in the inner city. We propose to evaluate the extent to which our radio program, magazine, and Project FeederWatch appeal to various audiences and how effective these programs are at communicating information about birds and in stimulating involvement. Based on this evaluation, we will modify our programs, then evaluate them again. We are also proposing a brand-new volunteer-assisted data gathering program, which we call the National Science Experiment. In cooperation with other organizations, volunteers will look at the biology of pigeons in our cities, food preferences of winter birds across the United States, and the habitat requirements of neotropical migrant tanagers. The results of these studies will be of interest to both ornithologists and birders; furthermore, participants in the project will gain first-hand involvement with the process of science.
The Austin children's Museum will develop a colorful, interactive exhibit on energy entitled GO POWER. Go Power is being created as part of a U.S. Department of Energy exhibition initiative with in-kind support from the Lower Colorado River Authority, a non-profit public power agency, and design and fabrication assistance by the Robot Group, an Austin-based consortium of engineers and artists. The partnership, advised by a panel of science, energy, and education experts, will build a 1,200 square-foot exhibit geared towards young children (pre- school and elementary-age), and their families. An Exhibit Developer with a strong scientific background will be responsible for the design and implementation of exhibit components which will highlight energy-related science and technology as a focus for developing and utilizing skills of scientific inquiry and invention. Through kinetic sculpture, computer games, participatory exhibits, and adjunct programming, visitors will learn about potential and kinetic energy and its forms: mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal, solar. Following its test edition, designed with input from advisors, front-end evaluations, and prototypes, Go Power will become the sixth exhibit to join the Museum's popular national touring program.
Playtime Is Science: A National Model for Parent Involvement In Early Science Education is an innovative parent/child science activity program. The overall goal of the model is to enlarge the potential pool of students who are competent in science and technology to include more girls, children of color, with disabilities, and children from low-income families. By engaging parents in partnership with schools and community organizations, Playtime Is Science will increase the science literacy of young children (ages 4-7) as well as that of their parents and other adults in their lives. This three-year project, built on a successful local model developed in New York City public schools, will include the following activities: training and networking for site liaisons; pilot testing and evaluation at three sites chosen for geographic, racial, ethnic, language, and socioeconomic diversity; materials development and production; a formal research study; and intensive national dissemination of Playtime Is Science materials package. Materials to be developed include 1) four videotapes to provide a visual rendering of the program for parents, teachers, and administrators; 2) a how-to manual providing easy-to-follow instructions for implementing the program; 3) and a home activity booklet for parents illustrating science activities which utilize inexpensive, readily-available materials found in every home.
National Public Radio is seeking to expand its coverage of scientific issues in two ways: through the creation of a new Environmental Reporting Unit, and through the introduction of SCIENCE FRIDAY, a two hour call-in talk show dedicated to scientific issues. Each of these projects will be supported by an extensive outreach effort targeted at local schools, community groups, science museums, and nature centers. Through the Environmental Reporting Unit, NPR plans to produce eight to ten half hour documentary reports per year on critical environmental issues. Each of these reports will be available to listeners on cassette and will be accompanied by supporting documentation. The SCIENCE FRIDAY team will engage NPR's audience in a lively debate on questions ranging from nuclear physics to archaeology. In addition, SCIENCE FRIDAY will travel to high schools and museums across the country and engage in question and answer sessions with students, teachers, parents and school administrators. These "on the road" segments will be supplemented by live broadcasts from annual meetings of the National Association for Science (NAS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Through these efforts, NPR will be able to draw listener attention to the need for improved science and mathematics education, while helping listeners make informed evaluations of current public policy in these areas.