The Museum of the Rockies will plan an exhibit "The Rockies Rise Again." When completed, this exhibit will illustrate evolving Cenozoic landscapes and life forms as understood through research conducted by the museum's staff in the Northern Rocky Mountain region. This exhibit will provide the natural historical context for visitors as they explore the cultural history exhibits that will follow this section. Together, the Museum's exhibits will illustrate the theme "One Place Through All of Time." With this award they will engage in a series of planning activities will include a front-end evaluation study of the public's knowledge and interest in this subject, consultation with expert advisors, review of related Cenozoic exhibits in selected natural history museums, and a two-day symposium which will include a dialogue about the exhibit concepts between the scientists and the public to help complete the plan. They will also hire an educator to develop an educational plan that will link the exhibit with the needs of teachers and will address national and state science standards. Special attention will be given to developing materials and dissemination strategies that will serve educators in this largely rural setting. At the end of the twelve month planing period they will have a completed exhibit and education plan and will be able to move forward with the exhibit.
Bonnie Sachatello-SawyerChristopher Hill
The Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum will develop and produce a planetarium show for distribution to other planetariums and informal learning centers across the United States. The forty-minute planetarium sky show will help audiences build their own experiences upon the observations and rich interpretations of astronomical events of the traditional Skidi Pawnee. The sky show will have four major science themes: (1) Pawnee observations as the basis for their cosmology; (2) native use of the sky for ceremonial and agricultural calendar-keeping; (3) audience familiarity with the sky and its cycles; (4) indigenous astronomical and meteorological knowledge as systematic scientific knowledge. Pawnee Indian Skies will help public audiences learn how to manipulate star finders to see how stars move in each sector of the sky, understand that stars rise and set in predictable directions on the horizon, understand the Pawnee ceremonial earthlodge as an astrological observatory, and to understand the position of stars, planets, and constellations importance to the Pawnee Indians. This nationally-distributed planetarium show is projected to reach 4.8 million people over 5 years. The development of this show will be shaped in consultation with the Pawnee Skidi chiefs, tribal educators, artist, musicians and elders.
The Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences (CASS) at Augsburg College, in collaboration with the Science Museum of Minnesota, is developing three exhibit clusters on important weather and climate systems that affect our everyday lives. Each cluster will consist of a micro-computer-based exhibit that runs a mathematical model of the weather system, a supporting three-dimensional display that encapsulates the entire system, a physical interactive exhibit that teaches critical physical concepts, and a graphical environment that reinforces connections to visitors' personal knowledge and interests. The three weather systems that constitute the content of the exhibit will be selected from the following four options: mid-latitude cyclones and the weather they cause, the cycle of ice ages over the past million years, global warming and greenhouse gases, and physical features on the earth that have profound effects on local climates. These exhibit clusters will build on the previous interactive exhibit components developed by Augsburg College: Seasons, Winds, and Clouds. All three exhibit and program clusters will be designed so they can be placed in science and natural history museums nationwide. The computer models will be designed to run on common, inexpensive microcomputers and will be disseminated to museums, libraries, other public sites, and schools. The project content and educational design will be developed by the PI, William Jasperson, a Senior Research Scientist at CASS, working with two of his fellow Senior Research Scientists, David Venne and Anthony Hansen, and with Geanine Gregoire from the Department of Education at Augsburg College. J. Shipley Newlin and James Roe, will be responsible for exhibit design and development at the science museum.
William JaspersonJ NewlinDavid Venne
The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago is producing a large format film that examines the sun and the relationship between the earth, its inhabitants, and our mother star. SOLARMAX will present some of the newest discoveries about the sun and will place special emphasis on the defining impact of the sun on human life and culture. The influence of solar cycles on global warming will be explored and new, unprecedented high-definition images of the sun will be included for the first time in a large format film. The film will examine how multiple scientific disciplines interact to build a complete picture of the universe by delving into the history and philosophy of science, astronomy, astrophysics, solar physics, helioseismology, meteorology, spectrography, mathematics, and biology. The Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, will serve as Executive Producer and distributor of SOLARMAX. The film will be produced by Robert Eather, an expert in magnetospheric physics and a science filmmaker. The Co-Producer, Writer, and Director will be John Weiley who previously served in these roles for the large format film, Antarctica. Advisors in the fields of space weather, solar physics, and archaeoastronomy include Louis Lanzerotte, Paul Dusenbery, Gaerhardt Haerendell, George Siscoe, and Edwin Krupp.
Robert EatherJohn WeileyJohn WickstromMuseum of Science and Industry
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific requests $1,348,428 to enhance the dissemination of Project ASTRO in communities by building new capability into an existing network to serve the "whole family". Family ASTRO will consist of the following components: Six Family Astronomy Kits, in English and Spanish, each consisting of a suite of hands-on activities that can be done with simple materials that are available to a wide range of families. All families will have the capability to perform these activities. A Family Astronomy Events Manual to help partners and site leaders use star parties, Sun, Moon, and Shadows sessions, and other larger group astronomy events into the project. Training protocols and materials at three levels: to train the families in doing astronomy activities directly, to train the astronomy/teachers partners to work with families and to train regional site leaders on the best ways to work with their local partners to start their own Family ASTRO program. The project will have a strong focus on families of underserved populations in science by continuing the work of Project ASTRO sites in urban areas such as Chicago and San Francisco, and in rural areas like southern New Mexico.
The Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History will develop "Texas Dinosaurs: How Do We Know? -- Regional Dissemination of Science Inquiry Exhibits and Educational Programs on Paleontology." This will be a major permanent and portable exhibition project that will be accompanied by an array of educational programs for formal and informal audiences throughout Texas. The permanent 12,000 sq. ft. exhibit, "Texas Dinosaurs: How Do We Know?", will recreate field and laboratory processes of paleontological research in an inquiry approach to public learning in geology, biology, ecology and mathematics. Portable versions of the exhibit will be distributed to the Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Headquarters, the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, the Science Spectrum in Lubbock, the McAllen International Museum, and the El Paso Insights Science Museum -- all in Texas. Regional dissemination of "How Do We Know?" exhibits and educational programs and materials will reach at least 1.5 million people annually, including isolated rural communities in the large geographic region of Texas.
The Anchorage Museum of History and Art will develop "Lifting the Fog: Russian Exploration in the North Pacific, 1728-1867." This exhibition will reveal the world of the naturalists, oceanographers, astronomers, cartographers, ethnographers and artists who first described the west coast of America and the northern Pacific Ocean to the world. Approximately 200,000 visitors to the museum will view the 5,300-sq. ft. exhibition. Public programs will complement the exhibition, including a family day, lecture series by marine biologists, living history programs, weekend workshops, and an international symposium. An illustrated catalog with interpretive essays and a school curriculum and teachers' guide will accompany the exhibition. The exhibition will travel to three additional venues in the United States.
The Space Science Institute will present Earth System Science (ESS) in a new project called "InterActive Earth," which includes a 6,000-square foot traveling exhibition and a comprehensive education program. Earth System Science is a holistic study of the Earth that concentrates on the interactions between Earth's various subsystems and how natural and human-induced changes affect Earth on a global scale. The planning grant will allow exhibit developers to conduct front-end evaluation to uncover visitors' misconceptions about ESS and identify their interests. It will also allow for the development of the overall conceptual framework for the project and the approach to exhibition design.
Screenscope, Inc., is producing three programs in the PBS series, "Journey to Planet Earth." The series has the goal of helping the general public understand and cope with the difficulties of developing a global agenda that addresses the environmental concerns of the next millennium. The series will examine the earth using the latest satellite imagery as well as from providing a more closeup view through the eyes of people who inhabit the many different regions of the world. It will use intimate personal portraits to show how people's every day lives are affected by both local and global environmental pressures. The series will link the sciences with economics, politics, geography, and history. Each episode will feature four to five related stories and case studies selected from different geographic regions and about people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The television series will be supported by an informal, community-based outreach program in science museums and neighborhood centers, activity kits and teaching guides, interactive workshops on the World Wide Web, and strategic partnerships with environmental organizations to raise public awareness of the series and the outreach activities. The Co-PIs and producers of the television series are Marilyn and Hal Weiner. They will work closely with a group of advisors including: Chet Cooper, Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Edward Frieman, Director Emeritus of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Vice Chancellor of the University of California; Nay Htun, United Nations Development Programme; Tom Lovejoy, Counselor to the Secretary for Biodiversity and Environmental Affairs, Smithsonian Institution; Per Pinstrup-Andersen, International Food Policy Research Institute; and Maurice Strong, Chairman of the Earth Council and former Secretary-General of the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, each episode will have two research scientists who are experts on specific disciplines being featured. Outreach will be developed in association with the Chicago Academy of Sciences.
The Exploratorium requests $1,389,665 to develop "Live @ the Exploratorium: Origins." The Exploratorium will conduct a three-year pilot project to develop an experimental series of Webcasts, related Web-based resources, and museum activities . The project will use new communications technologies to create an ongoing link between Internet and museum audiences and current scientific research efforts at observatories around the world where scientists are investigating the origins of matter, the universe, the Earth, and life itself. The Exploratorium will establish a remote connection to six science research locations investigating particle physics, cosmology, polar research, earthquake research, astrobiology and genetics. During each live Webcast museum visitors and Internet visitors will be able to interact with scientists at the remote observatories.
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) in collaboration with the Illinois State Museum (ISM), the St. Louis Science Center (SLSC), and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA) at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois, will form a museum consortium to develop two virtual reality interactive displays (River Pilot Simulator and Digital River Basin) and other web-based activities that focus on the Mississippi River. This group will be known as the Mississippi River Web Museum Consortium. Each museum will end up with both software modules that will lead visitors to the story of the River. The river's local presence will serve as an entry point for the visitors at each museum. The NCSA will contribute their access to and knowledge of powerful computer simulation, scientific visualization, and collaborations technologies that are usually restricted to research settings and rarely available to a museum audience or the general public. The Consortium will also develop a shared site on the WWW that will invite users to engage in guided inquiry that will deepen their understanding of the large, complex, and integrated river system. The science content underlying the project will include river hydrology and geomorphology, life sciences, environmental studies employing geographic information systems, and the physics of motion. The activities will address a number of the National Science Education Standards. Complementary programming linking these activities with formal education include a RiverWeb(tm) Posting Board and a RiverWeb(tm) Classroom Resource Guide.
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) in collaboration with the Illinois State Museum (ISM), the St. Louis Science Center (SLSC), and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA) at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois, will form a museum consortium to develop two virtual reality interactive displays (River Pilot Simulator and Digital River Basin) and other web-based activities that focus on the Mississippi River. This group will be known as the Mississippi River Web Museum Consortium. Each museum will end up with both software modules that will lead visitors to the story of the River. The river's local presence will serve as an entry point for the visitors at each museum. The NCSA will contribute their access to and knowledge of powerful computer simulation, scientific visualization, and collaborations technologies that are usually restricted to research settings and rarely available to a museum audience or the general public. The Consortium will also develop a shared site on the WWW that will invite users to engage in guided inquiry that will deepen their understanding of the large, complex, and integrated river system. The science content underlying the project will include river hydrology and geomorphology, life sciences, environmental studies employing geographic information systems, and the physics of motion. The activities will address a number of the National Science Education Standards. Complementary programming linking these activities with formal education include a RiverWeb(tm) Posting Board and a RiverWeb(tm) Classroom Resource Guide.