Can the study of dance lead to enhanced academic skills? Dance is an art form that makes use of a wide variety of cognitive skills and may call upon many of the intelligences identified by Howard Gardner in his theory of multiple intelligences. Clearly dance involves nonverbal spatial and musical intelligence. Dance also may call upon linguistic intelligence, when students learn the verbal vocabulary of dance or when they discuss and evaluate a dance sequence. In what follows, we report the results of two very small meta-analyses testing the claims that dance instruction leads to improvements
Mia KeinänenLois HetlandEllen Winner
There is growing interest in the nature of the museum experience among researchers in the fields of art and museum education. The museum experience is broadly defined by John Falk and Lynn Dierking as all that transpires between the person's first thought of visiting a museum, through the actual visit, and then beyond, when the museum experience remains only in memory. Additionally, they propose that this experience varies from individual to individual and, in fact, is dependent upon the interaction between the personal context (the visitor's life experiences, interests and expectations), the
Can reading skills be enhanced by instruction in the visual arts? Arts education researchers have sometimes made this claim and have argued that the visual arts can play a strong role in the teaching of basic skills in the kindergarten and elementary school years. There are two possible mechanisms by which visual arts instruction might enhance reading ability, one cognitive, one motivational. The cognitive mechanism would involve transfer of skill. Perhaps visual arts training strengthens visual perception skills that can be deployed in reading.
Kristin BurgerEllen WinnerUniversity of Illinois
This article presents excerpts from reports written by visitor research professionals in Canada, Finland, Italy and Norway. These brief summaries describe visitor studies projects at various institutions in these countries.
Visitor Studies AssociationGeorge Hein
This article discusses the QUT Museums Collaborative, a project comprised of museum educators and administrators and university researchers in Australia, which examined the experiences of young children visiting museums. This report includes a discussion of the research plan and methodology, emerging and anticipated outcomes, and the significance of the study.
Revealing Bodies was an experimental exhibition that explored the messages and meanings found in biomedical and anatomical representations of human bodies. It further explored what happens when these images are removed from their original context and reinterpreted for other purposes such as arts, advertising and politics. The exhibition also examined how the culture and point of view of the original creator may have shaped the image and what happens to this intent with the iterations of time and societal change. The exhibition was approximately 4000 square feet. It was a mix of artworks
The Whitaker Center for Science and Arts will develop two versions of an exhibit Bodies in Motion: The Physics of Human Movement. The Whitaker Center is a new cultural center to be centrally located in Harrisburg, PA and has as its theme "science through the arts." In keeping with that focus, this will be a highly interactive 2000 sq. ft. exhibit which will provide experiences that reveal the physics embodied in dance, ice skating, gymnastics, and other sports. Two versions of the exhibit will be developed, one will be for the Whitaker Center (2000 sq. ft.) and the other (1500 sq. ft.) will travel to small science centers and children's museums. The core physics concepts to be explored are mass, inertia, force, speed and velocity, acceleration, torque, momentum, angular momentum, centrifugal and centripetal force, kinetic and potential energy, gravity, and Newton's Laws of Motion. By means of the exhibits learners will explore such topics as the role of torque and rotational momentum in turns, how dancers manipulate their center of gravity to create the illusion of floating during leaps, and how physics illuminate the differences between dance and ice skating. There will be a series of complementary programs which include lecture/demonstrations by Dr. Kenneth Laws, a physicist who studies the physics of dance; teacher education programs; support materials for classroom use; professional development programs for teachers; and a brochure on physics and dance for distribution to dance schools.
Elizabeth BrewerAnn MintzThomas Stone
The California Science Center will develop an exhibition, "Abracadabra: The Science of Illusion." This will be a 6000-sq.ft. traveling exhibit. The theme, the science behind magic, will help visitors understand that magic is based on the complex interplay between sensation, perception, physical science and math concepts, culture, and the art of performance. The goal of the exhibition is to use the public's fascination with magic as a bridge to learning basic science in the area of optics, electromagnetics, simple mechanics, math, physiology and psychology. The exhibit will include seven thematic sections and an enclosed theater for live and taped performances. The exhibition will open at the California Science Center in October, 2000 and then will travel to the six science centers that participate in the Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative. It is estimated about 4 million people will view the exhibition during its national tour.
The Science Place of Dallas, TX requests $47,715 for "The Psychology of Music." With this planning grant they will plan a 5,000 square-foot permanent and traveling exhibition focusing on the psychology of music. The exhibition will use the universal popularity of music as the background to develop an exhibition focusing on: (1) the psychological processes involved in perceiving and understanding music; and (2) how we can use the tools and processes of science in investigating music. The exhibition will present basic concepts concerning the physics and perception of sound. Since few interactive exhibits have been developed around the perception of music as sound, the planning grant will allow The Science Place to develop the conceptual structure for the project, develop an integrated exhibition and education plan, and prepare a business plan for marketing the new exhibition. The planning process will include front-end audience research, a review of academic research on the psychology of music, a planning session with advisors, and dissemination of findings to the museum community.
William SudduthJeffrey CourtmanLeAnn BinfordPaul Vinson
The investigators address a major educational challenge by introducing a novel format and content for science education, (a) building on past successes; (b) combining development and dissemination at a new level; and (c) centered around an interactive planetarium show aimed to inform the public on an emerging scientific discipline and medical field: Tissue Engineering. For achieving a multitude of goals, the investigators propose the establishment of a unique partnership in scientific and medical education, bringing together university researchers, clinical leaders, science center experts, and students, educators and community representatives at all levels. The project is catalyzed by the Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of tissue engineering and its application to improving people's lives. The main goals fall in three categories, as follows: Education: - To communicate scientific information about the human body (principles of function will be emphasized over specific facts or terminology by focusing on a limited but fundamental set). -To convey the excitement and importance of tissue engineering research. The show will utilize engaging interactive demonstrations of tissue functions and illustrate the medical uses and potential of this field. Innovation: - To enhance the educational experience. The developers will use group-interactive technology as a tool for education by engaging participants as participants in the processing functions of the body. A special visualization/interactivity laboratory will be used where prototype interactive scenarios will be tested using focus groups, consultants and representatives of the target audiences. Dissemination: - To insure national distribution to other planetaria. The presentation system will utilize portable interactive technology (to be developed). It will be deployed to planetaria throughout the country, coordinated by the Association of Science and Techology Centers (ASTC). - To engage the target audience in the development process. Content development will be achieved by a consortium of leading research universities and medical centers, with input from a panel of worldclass experts. Visualization, interactivity and sound technologies will be developed in Pittsburgh, in a unique collaboration between the arts and sciences, based on past successes. Evaluation activities will be extensive, as will the range and targets of the spin-off educational materials. The Carnegie Science Center planetarium itself will serve in achieving group immersive visualization, akin to virtual reality, for improving target audience involvement. The expected outcome is a new way of delivering educational content, and a better understanding of the emerging field of tissue engineering by the general public.