MobiLLab is a mobile science education program designed to awaken young people’s interest in science and technology (S&T). Perceived novelty, or unfamiliarity, has been shown to affect pupils’ educational outcomes at similar out-of-school learning places (OSLePs) such as museums and science centers. A study involved 215 mobiLLab pupils who responded to three surveys: a pre-preparation, at-visit, and post-visit survey. Results provide evidence for four dimensions of pupils’ at-visit novelty: curiosity, exploratory behavior, oriented feeling, and cognitive load. Findings also show that classroom
In this case study, we highlight the work of the Bay Area STEM Ecosystem, which aims to increase equity and access to STEM learning opportunities in underserved communities. First, we lay out the problems they are trying to solve and give a high level overview of the Bay Area STEM Ecosystem’s approach to addressing them. Then, based on field observations and interviews, we highlight both the successes and some missed opportunities from the first collaborative program of this Ecosystem. Both the successes of The Bay Area STEM Ecosystem--as well as the partners’ willingness to share and examine
The U.S. Education system is becoming more and more diverse and educators must adapt to continue to be effective. Educators must embrace the diversity of language, color, and history that comprises the typical classroom; this means becoming culturally competent. In doing so, comes with it the prospect of using culture to enhance the learning experience for students and the educator. Although the process of becoming culturally competent can be outlined, the realization of a culturally competent educator depends on changing one’s own perceptions and beliefs. The need for cultural competency and
Students in the U.S. educational system are increasingly diverse, and this diversity is reflected in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Diversity in education encompasses students from many races, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds; students who speak a variety of languages; and students from many cultures. For instance, ethnic diversity increased by 5% across primary and secondary public schools from 2000 to 2007 (Aud, Fox, & KewalRamani, 2010). Diversity is also evident in the socioeconomic make-up of students, with almost half of 4th graders in public
This project will develop standardized, exportable and comparable assessment instruments and models for Women In Engineering (WIE) programs nationwide, thus allowing them to assess their program's activities and ultimately provide data for making well-informed evaluations.
To accomplish this goal, the principal investigators at the University of Missouri and Penn State University will work over a three-year period with their institutions' WIE programs and three cooperating programs at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Georgia Tech, and University of Texas at Austin. With these five programs that collectively represent a variety of private and public, years of experience for WIE directors and student body characteristics, the investigators will pilot, revise, implement, conduct preliminary data analysis and disseminate easy-to-access, reliable and valid assessment instruments. The principles of formative evaluation will be applied to all instruments and products. All institutions will use the same set of instruments, thus allowing them to have access to powerful benchmarking data in addition to the data from each of their respective institutions.
A prior project, the Women's Experience in College Engineering Project (WECE) sought to characterize the factors that influence women students' experiences and decisions by studying college environments, events and support programs that affect women's satisfaction with their engineering major, and their decisions to persist or leave these majors. In contrast to WECE's macro-level and student focus, this proposal's target audience is WIE directors, with a focus on WIE programs, not students.
Women in Engineering programs around the United States are a crucial part of our country's response to the need for more women in engineering professions. There are about 50 WIE programs nationwide. Half have expressed interest in this effort. WIE directors will benefit by having ready-made assessment tools that will allow them to collect data on programs, evaluate these programs, and make decisions on how to revise programs and / or redistribute limited resources to maximize overall program effectiveness. Data from these instruments will also provide substantiated evidence for administrators, advisory boards and potential funding agencies. Finally, because these instruments will be available nationwide, programs will have the opportunity to take advantage of powerful benchmarking data for their decision-making processes.
This project provides the next logical step in the national movement to recruit and retain women in engineering.
SciGirls Strategies is a National Science Foundation–funded project led by Twin Cities PBS (TPT) in partnership with St. Catherine University, the National Girls Collaborative, and XSci (The Experiential Science Education Research Collaborative) at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for STEM Learning. This three-year initiative aims to increase the number of high school girls recruited to and retained in fields where females are traditionally underrepresented: technical science, engineering, technology, and math (STEM) pathways. We seek to accomplish this goal by providing career and
Rita KarlBradley McLainAlicia Santiago
The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is transforming the world of work. Just as it happened with the technologies of the steam, electricity and computer revolutions, digital technologies are now becoming pervasive and reshaping all parts of the global economy. The computing industry’s rate of job creation in the U.S. is now three times the U.S. national average. This rapid expansion of the computing workforce means that computing skills – with coding at the core – are the most sought-after skills in the American job market.
Yet amid this boom, research by Accenture and Girls Who Code shows
Accenture ResearchKate Harrison
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Iowa State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas at El Paso, Michigan State University, University of Georgia and University of California, Los Angeles will lead this Design and Development Launch Pilot to build the foundation for a national alliance that will prepare a new national STEM faculty, spanning all of post-secondary education, able to use evidence-based teaching, mentoring and advising practices that yield greater learning, persistence and completion of women and historically underrepresented minorities (URM) undergraduates in STEM. This project was created by this group of institutions, who are members of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), in response to the Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) program solicitation (NSF 16-544). The INCLUDES program is a comprehensive national initiative designed to enhance U.S. leadership in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) discoveries and innovations focused on NSF's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and broadening participation in these fields. The INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilots represent bold, innovative ways for solving a broadening participation challenge in STEM.
The full participation of all of America's STEM talent is critical to the advancement of science and engineering for national security, health and prosperity. Our nation is advancing knowledge and practices to address a STEM achievement and the graduation gap between undergraduate STEM students who are women and men, and between those who are URMs and non-URMs. At the same time U.S. universities and colleges struggle to recruit, retain and promote a diverse STEM graduate student body, and a diverse STEM faculty, who serve as role models and academic leaders for URM and female students to learn from, to work with and to emulate. This project, the CIRTL INCLUDES - Toward an Alliance to Prepare a National Faculty for Broadening Success of Underrepresented 2-Year and 4-Year STEM Students, has the potential to advance a national network of organizations to improve the success of future STEM faculty who will educate a diverse undergraduate body and contribute to the learning, retention and graduation of women and URMs in STEM fields.
The collaborating CIRTL universities will work closely with multiple organizations to address key goals, including Achieving the Dream, Advanced Technological Education Central, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Mathematical Society of Two-Year Colleges, the American Physical Society, the American Society for Engineering Education, the Association of American Universities, the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, the Council of Graduate Schools, the Council for the Study of Community Colleges, Excelencia in Education, the Infrastructure for Broadening Participation in STEM, the Louis Stokes Midwest Center for Excellence, the Math Alliance, the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development, the National Research Mentoring Network, the Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education, the Southern Regional Education Board, the Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching, and the Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Network. Together, this extensive collaborative network will three goals: (1) To deepen the preparation of future STEM faculty in teaching, mentoring and advising practices that promote the success of undergraduates who are women and URMs; (2) To expand and strengthen faculty preparation specifically for 2-year colleges; and (3) To target the preparation of future STEM faculty who are members of underrepresented groups for effective teaching and mentoring, contributing to their early-career success. The seven universities who are partnering to lead this project will work to: (1) Form active partnerships and national coalitions for each of the three goals; (2) Employ a collective impact framework for each goal team and the entire alliance, ensuring common agendas, shared metrics, mutually reinforcing activities and an integrated process using data improvement cycles; and (3) Achieve pilot outcomes that position the alliance for future work.
Robert MathieuRenetta TullKatherine BarnicleCraig OgilvieLeslie GonzalesErin SandersJudy MiltonMary Besterfield-SacreBenjamin FloresOcegueda Isela
Mathematics is the foundation of many STEM fields and success in mathematics is a catalyst for success in other scientific disciplines. Increasing the participation of women and other under-represented groups in the mathematics profession builds human capital that produces a diverse pool of problem solvers in business and industry, research mathematicians, faculty at all levels, and role models for the next generation. Existing support and enrichment programs have targeted women in mathematics at different stages in their undergraduate and graduate education, with different strategies to building community, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting a growth mind set. These strategies challenge some of the most common obstacles to success, including isolation, stereotype threat, not committing to mathematics early enough, and imposter syndrome. Acknowledging the diversity among women in terms of socio-economic background and educational background, this project proposes to examine the effectiveness of these programs through the lens of two primary questions: (1) Which elements of these programs are most critical in the success of women, as a function of their position along these distinct diversity axes?, and (2) which features of these programs are most effective as a function of the stage of the participant's career? These questions are guided by the rationale that a better understanding of, and improved pathways by, which programs recruit and retain undergraduate and graduate women in mathematics has the strong potential to increase the representation of women among mathematics PhDs nationwide.
This project seeks to increase and diversify the number of professional mathematicians in the United States by identifying and proliferating best practices and known mechanisms for increasing the success of women in mathematics graduate programs, particularly women from under-represented groups. The PIs on this proposal, all of whom are leaders of initiatives that have been active for nearly two decades, will work with experts in management, data collection and reporting, and communications to address the following three challenges: (1) develop a common system of measuring the effectiveness of each element in these initiatives; (2) develop a process for effective, collective decision making; and (3) create connections between existing activities and resources. This project is both exploratory research and effectiveness research. The project team first will explore the contextual factors that serve to support or inhibit female pursuit of mathematics doctorates by interviewing a variety of women who were undergraduate mathematics majors in the past, as well as current professional mathematicians. They then will use this information to better understand the most effective features of various current and past initiatives that are trying to increase the participation of women in advanced mathematics. A key stakeholder meeting will develop a process for effective, collective decision-making, to utilize what the project team learns from the interviews. The leadership team will develop a website with discussion board and social media components to highlight best practices and facilitate a virtual community for women interested in mathematics. Finally, a distillation of program elements and their targeted effectiveness will inform the selection of interconnected activities to test on a scalable model. These prototypes will be implemented at several sites chosen to represent a diversity of constituencies and local support infrastructure.
Judy WalkerAmi RadunskayaRuth HaasDeanna Haunsperger
Lack of diversity in science and engineering education has contributed to significant inequality in a workforce that is responsible for addressing today's grand challenges. Broadening participation in these fields will promote the progress of science and advance national health, prosperity and welfare, as well as secure the national defense; however, students from underrepresented groups, including women, report different experiences than the majority of students, even within the same fields. These distinctions are not caused by the students' ability, but rather by insufficient aspiration, confidence, mentorship, instructional methods, and connection and relevance to their cultural identity. The long-term vision of this project is to amplify the impact of a successful broadening participation model at the University of Maine, the Stormwater Research Management Team (SMART). This program trains students and mentors in using science and engineering skills and technology to research water quality in their local watershed. Students engage in numerous science and technology fields: engineering design, data acquisition, analysis and visualization, chemistry, environmental science, biology, and information technology. Students also connect with a diversity of professionals in water and engineering in government, private firms and non-profits. SMART has augmented the traditional science and engineering classroom by engaging students in guided mentored apprenticeships that address community problems.
This pilot project will form a collaborative and define a strategic plan for scale-up to a national alliance to increase the long-term success rate of underrepresented minority students in science, engineering, and related fields. The collaborative of multiple and varied organizations will align to collectively contribute time and resources to a pre-college educational pathway. There are countless isolated programs that offer short-term interventions for underrepresented and minority students; however, there is lack of organizational coordination for aligning current program offerings, sharing best practices, research results or program outcomes along the education to workforce pathway. The collaborative activities will focus on the transition grades (e.g., 4-5, 8, and high school) and emphasize relationships among skills, confidence, culture and future careers. Collaborative partners will establish a centralized infrastructure in each location to coordinate recruiting of invested community leaders, educators, and parents, around a common agenda by designing, deploying and continually assessing a stormwater-themed project that addresses their location and demographic specific needs. This collaborative community will consist of higher education faculty and students, K-12 students, their caregivers, mentors, educators, stormwater districts, state and national environmental protection agencies, departments of education, and other for-profit and non-profit organizations. The collaborative will address the need for research on mechanisms for change, collaboration, and negotiation regarding the greater participation of under-represented groups in the science and technology workforce.
Mohamed MusaviVenkat BhethanabotlaCary JamesVemitra WhiteLola Brown
Demand for skilled workers in STEM industries is continuing to grow rapidly across the United States. At the same time, postsecondary completion rates in fields such as computer science and engineering lag far behind demand. Academically, calculus is the critical barrier to entry to high-growth, high-wage STEM careers for the 59% of community college students who enter at remedial math levels, greatly diminishing the candidate pool for careers in STEM disciplines. In California, for example, only 4% of community college students advance to calculus in 4 years and therefore never have a chance to begin to train for the STEM careers that dominate the state's economic landscape. This barrier diminishes the candidate pool for STEM careers falling disproportionately on two groups: (1) minority students who are overrepresented in remedial programs; and (2) female students who are underrepresented in higher-level math courses. To broaden participation and expand the pipeline of available STEM talent, the STEM Core Initiative (SCI) implements a model that includes an accelerated and contextualized math course sequence with intensive supportive services designed to serve underrepresented students. The cohort-based program moves students from intermediate algebra to calculus-readiness in two semesters (as opposed to two or more years). A prototype of the SCI model has been implemented at four colleges over the last three years and has resulted in a 20-30 percent increase in math course success rates for participants compared to students enrolled in a traditional math course track. The partnership replicates and scales SCI successes through an enhanced STEM Core pathway model to be implemented at 13 California community colleges and one large and diverse Maryland community college campus, directly serving more than 625 students. Further, as a workforce development program, SCI offers paid internships with leading national and regional employers in computer science and engineering and exposes students to high-growth, high-wage STEM career opportunities.
The one-year calculus-readiness and internship pathway for remedial students is a new approach in eleven of the partner colleges and utilizes a collective impact approach to align industry and workforce development partners. The partnership offers wrap around student support, accelerated and contextualized learning, and expanded high-quality work-based learning experiences including internships. Well-positioned employer partners (such as NASA and the federal energy labs) contribute to the development of a national strategy by assisting community colleges with course contextualization, providing career orientation, and hosting project-based internships. To advance research, SCI employs a comprehensive multiple methods plan to assess the effectiveness of the STEM Core intervention and identify and understand the effective practices that underpin successful implementation of the STEM Core at 14 community colleges in California and Maryland. The evaluation seeks to measure and understand the impacts of STEM Core on student learning, academic and industry engagement, academic momentum, math confidence, and commitment to STEM as well as an understanding of implementation and replication strategies that yield the greatest impact. National dissemination of the results showcase the successes of STEM Core and build capacity to replicate the model.
Jim ZovalFrank GonzalezMark EaganCourtney BrownMichael VennJim Zoval
Northern Michigan University's Center for Native American Studies and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will lead this Design and Development Launch Pilot about culturally inclusive K-16 STEM education for American Indian and Native Alaskan (AIAN) students. This project was created in response to the NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) program solicitation (NSF 16-544). The INCLUDES program is a comprehensive national initiative designed to enhance U.S. leadership in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) discoveries and innovations focused on NSF's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and broadening participation in these fields. The INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilots represent bold, innovative ways for solving a broadening participation challenge in STEM.
The full participation of all of America's STEM talent is critical to the advancement of science and engineering for national security, health and prosperity. Our nation is advancing knowledge and practices to address the undergraduate STEM achievement and the graduation gap between NAAIs and non-native Americans. This project, the NSF INCLUDES: Indigenous Women Working Within the Sciences (IWWS), has the potential to advance knowledge, instructional pedagogy and practices to improve the performance of NAAI high school students and undergraduate students in STEM.
This project team will work to: (1) pilot activities and coursework to train K-16 STEM educators about American Indian inclusive methods and materials, (2) to provide AIAN high school students with STEM college preparatory experience using inclusive STEM practices, and (3) to provide a cohort of female AIAN high school students additional university experiences and mentors as these students transition to postsecondary education. Activities include a five-day summer educators institute for 40 K-16 STEM educators, an additional weekend workshop for 20 K-16 STEM educators, a summer STEM academy for 96 AIAN high school students, a STEM weekend workshop for female AIAN high school students, and a mentoring program for AIAN high school students.
April LindalaJessica CruzMartin Reinhardt