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Peer-reviewed article

Optimism in a sea of uncertainties: the journalistic coverage on the research of new medicines in Brazil

May 15, 2018 | Media and Technology

This paper deals with the journalistic coverage of biologically active compounds presented as promising drugs in Brazil. The sample consists of 214 journalistic stories on 40 compounds published in two daily newspapers and a monthly science magazine from January 1990 to December 2016. After 27 years, although journalists and scientists had claimed that all compounds would become drugs in a few years, only two completed the evaluation tests and were approved for commercialisation. The paper provides a series of strategies to build a more analytical view on drug research and development.


  • Carlos Henrique Fioravanti
    Oxford University
  • César Maschio Fioravanti
    University of São Paulo
  • Citation

    DOI : 10.22323/2.17020202
    ISSN : 1824-2049
    Publication Name: Journal of Science Communication
    Volume: 17
    Number: 2
    Resource Type: Research Products
    Discipline: Health and medicine
    Audience: General Public | Museum/ISE Professionals | Scientists
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Comics, Books, and Newspapers

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