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Mass Media Article

No reserved communication lanes for high energy

June 21, 2006 | Media and Technology, Public Programs
The American particle physics community is in jeopardy and may end up drowning in a boundless sea trying to grasp at non-existing funds, dragging US physics and science as a whole to the bottom. This is a price the most powerful and high-tech country of the world cannot afford, as warned by the editors of a report published in late April by the National Academy of Sciences1. Behind so much alarm is the International Linear Collider (ILC) – a large particle accelerator facility which, according to the report, should be built on American territory, if research on the elementary constituents of nature is to survive in the United States. The ILC will probably cost a total of five hundred million dollars in the first five years, whereas billions will have to be invested in the subsequent seven years. Hardly impressive, however, if compared with the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC), the biggest and costliest machine ever conceived in the history of science. Devised to describe the first instants of the universe, as many will recall, the SSC project was severely hampered by political and bureaucratic plots in 1993, when the Clinton administration decided to halt work on the accelerator, after ten years and approximately two billion dollars already spent.


  • Nico Pitrelli
  • Citation

    ISSN : 1824-2049
    Publication Name: Journal of Science Communication
    Volume: 5
    Number: 2
    Resource Type: Reference Materials
    Discipline: Physics
    Audience: Administration/Leadership/Policymakers | Scientists
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Public Programs

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