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Project Descriptions

Language Diversity in North Carolina: A Film Documentary and Outreach Program

July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2006 | Media and Technology
The North Carolina State University will produce a one-hour film documentary on language diversity in North Carolina for public television and for distribution to public agencies throughout the state. The documentary and associated activities will illustrate the socio-cultural and socio-linguistic heritage of language variation; exemplify the systematic language patterns associated with different regional and ethnic groups and demonstrate the role of language in the construction of cultural identity. In addition to the documentary for public broadcast, footage for particular regional varieties and socio-cultural groups will be compiled into pedagogically useful 20-30 minute vignettes. A workbook for using the materials will also be prepared. In terms of its larger significance and broader impacts, this project addresses a need for informal education about language variation to counter public misunderstandings and stereotypes leading to discrimination based on language differences.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0354711
Funding Amount: 73678


  • Walter Wolfram
    Principal Investigator
    North Carolina State University
  • Discipline: Social science and psychology
    Audience: General Public | Museum/ISE Professionals
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Broadcast Media

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