The on-line information environment has changed dramatically since the earliest on-line systems emerged in the early 1960s. Growth has occurred both in the number of users of on-line information as well as in the number of on-line information resources and providers. The rate of growth in each of these areas increased exponentially with the availability of the public Internet and the World Wide Web. These foundational technological developments created an environment in which almost anyone can “publish” or function as an information provider and have virtually instantaneous access to massive volumes of information. Museums and libraries have long been sources of recreation, learning and information for personal or family, educational and workplace purposes. However, the Internet, Web and other technologies have become an increasingly used source of information that some believe will largely replace their physical counterparts. On the other hand, some have speculated that the Internet and related technologies will actually enhance and increase museum and library use. There is no solid evidence to support either assertion, particularly considering the wide range in types of museums and libraries. Both museums and libraries of all types have adapted to the Internet by providing access to information through the Internet, as well as creating and promoting unique information content for users. They also provide access to their services through the Internet. This Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) solicited and funded “National Study of Users and Potential Users of Online Information” has a primary goal to: “Conduct a national survey of the information needs of users and potential users of on-line museum and public library information and the Internet.” This is the first of a series of reports of the results of this study; this report focuses on museums.

Jose-Marie Griffiths
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Donald King
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
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