Featured News from the Field (Archive)
We are excited to share the blogs, reports, and other news from the Informal STEM Education community! View recently published reports and blogs.

Advancing the Conversation on Scaling National Informal STEM Programs
This past May, the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and the Education Development Center (EDC) brought together voices across the informal STEM learning ecosystem to advance the conversation on scaling national informal STEM programs. They found that the research on scaling programs is rooted in formal (K-12) education and does not consider the unique opportunities and barriers of informal learning settings like museums, afterschool programs, and libraries.

SciPEP 2023: New Insights for Communicating Basic Science – Executive Summary
SciCommBites was invited to cover SciPEP 2023 and was there every step of the way to bring the newest research and practice on communicating basic science. This SciCommBites summary is the first of a series of three posts covering the two-day conference presentations and discussions.

“¡Fuera Spacex!”: Imagining New Stem Futures In Latinx Communities
"¡Fuera SpaceX! is a response and a rallying cry to oust the company causing yet untold levels of economic, social, and environmental damages. It is also an organizing tool for the future: the struggle to have community voices heard and respected has spurred the need for a nuanced discussion on how interest and participation in STEM, especially with regard to Latinx learners, can be encouraged without perpetuating the same harms the community already faces." Learn more in a blog post about the program.

Doing the Work While Doing the Work
How can social justice organizations prioritize mental health issues while finding ways for their staff and members to stay in solidarity with each other?