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Project Descriptions

Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education: What If? Models, Predications, and Scenarios

January 15 - December 31, 2002 | Media and Technology
SoundPrint Media Center is producing a testing a pilot of a radio project that would examine mathematical models used to simulate phenomena, make predictions and generate scenarios. During the "What If: Models, Predications and Scenarios" pilot phase, SoundPrint will produce and test two half-hour documentaries, follow-up radio updates, and a plan for a web-based model simulation and educational resources. Educational Support Services will conduct evaluation of the pilot materials to determine: the programs' ability to translate complicated mathematical and scientific ideas through a storytelling approach, the types of models that best lend themselves to illustrate those concepts, and the degree to which the documentaries as stand alone stories have an impact on listeners. The formative evaluation also will test a website.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0125702
Funding Amount: 115617


  • Moira Rankin
    Principal Investigator
    Soundprint Media Center, Inc.
  • Ann Maria de Freitas
    Co-Principal Investigator
    Soundprint Media Center, Inc.
  • Discipline: Education and learning science | Mathematics
    Audience: General Public | Museum/ISE Professionals
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Broadcast Media | Websites, Mobile Apps, and Online Media

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