Cyberchase is public television's daily, animated "math adventure series" targeted to children aged 8-11. Thirteen/WNET New York will develop and produce seven new episodes, a multi-media initiative on Math and Weather, plus an innovative series of ten video "math moments" called Do the Math! to be released on air, online, and on broadband. Cyberchase's content spans the 3rd-5th grade standards of the National Council of Mathematics. The series goals include: 1) reinforce mathematical knowledge; 2) model mathematics reasoning and help children improve their problem-solving skills; 3) demonstrate the usefulness of math in everyday life; and 4) inspire all children to approach math with enthusiasm and confidence. Ancillary materials, outreach, and a highly popular Web site extend the learning and help make Cyberchase the sole mathematics media project available for the target age group. Cyberchase is now in its sixth production season and fifth year of daily PBS broadcast. The new season will build on the successful format to model effective problem-solving processes, expand the math-rich Web site and bring Cyberchase to today's new-media platforms to prompt children to do math. Multimedia Research will conduct formative evaluation of the 3D Builder's Math game using an operational prototype working with a sample of students and do a naturalistic summative evaluation to assess impact of the video shorts.
Funding Program:
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Sandra Sheppard
Principal Investigator
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Michael Templeton
Co-Principal Investigator
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Frances Nankin
Co-Principal Investigator
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
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