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Peer-reviewed article

Curating the collider: using place to engage museum visitors with particle physics

October 9, 2014 | Exhibitions
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest particle physics facility, provides museological opportunities and challenges. Visitor interest in cutting-edge physics, with its high media profile, is tempered by anxiety about understanding complex content. The topic does not readily lend itself to traditional museum showcase-dominated displays: the technology of modern particle physics is overwhelmingly large, while the phenomena under investigation are invisible. For Collider, a major temporary exhibition, the Science Museum adopted a ‘visit to CERN’ approach, recreating several of the laboratory’s spaces. We explore the effectiveness of this approach, at a time when historical studies of scientific laboratories and museum reconstructions of spaces are subject to renewed interest.


  • Alison Boyle
    Science Museum, London
  • Harry Cliff
    University of Cambridge
  • Citation

    DOI : 10.15180/140207
    Publication Name: Science Museum Group Journal
    Volume: 1
    Number: 2
    Resource Type: Research Products
    Discipline: Education and learning science | Physics | Technology
    Audience: General Public | Museum/ISE Professionals
    Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits

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