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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Media and Technology
Focus groups with parents of third and fourth graders were implemented to help support the revision and expansion of the current Cyberchase website for parents. This study focused on the following research questions: (1) How do parents understand their role in helping their children with learning in math? (a) Do parents see their role as motivational? (b) Do parents see their role as helping their child with math difficulties? (c) Do parents see their role as collaborating with their child in learning math? (2) What are parents' concerns or anxieties about their role in supporting math
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
To gain insight into the Cyberchase audience, a Web survey was conducted with parents through the PBS Web site during June and July, 2005. Participants were 94 parents of children who were current or past users of at least one Cyberchase media component (e.g., TV, Web site, outreach materials, etc.). Roughly equal numbers of boys and girls were represented, and one-third of the children were identified as minorities. Parents were recruited through the Cyberchase Web site and online mailings, and were asked to complete the online survey. Rather than being representative of U.S. parents as a
TEAM MEMBERS: Shalom Fisch Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
To prepare for future summative research on the synergy among multiple educational media, the present pilot research explored real-life use of Cyberchase outreach materials. The present pilot study included: a Web survey of 48 outreach providers (representing over 3000 children in 19 states), follow-up phone interviews with 26 of these providers, and in-person observations at two outreach sites, one in New York and one in Massachusetts. With an eye toward future summative research, the resulting data yield conclusions and implications in two broadly defined areas: providers' use of Cyberchase
TEAM MEMBERS: Shalom Fisch Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
To help guide the development of Season 7 (Do The Math!), this formative evaluation gathered feedback from third graders in response to three different materials: (1) a web-based game concept; (2) a web-based storymaker concept; and (3) The Misadventures of Buzz & Delete short videos. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase's mission is to improve kids' problem-solving and
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Research Questions: (1) To what extent do children's and parent's interest in math and science increase as a result of exposure to one or more of the project's components? (2) To what extent do children and parents want to engage further with Mateo y Cientina after initial exposure to the cartoon through one or more of the project's components? (3) To what extent do parents and children think they've learned new concepts about math and science as a result of completing a Mateo y Cientina activity? (4) To what extent do parents and children gain confidence in their understanding of math and
TEAM MEMBERS: Sarah Mushlin University of California Colleen Kuusinen
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In recent years academic, engineering, business, and other fields, have launched major research and development efforts into the study and application of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. In spite of all these efforts and the investment of millions of dollars, the general public has had little access to research findings and knowledge about the application of nanoscience and technology. Several studies have been conducted to assess public knowledge and understanding; they show that a large percentage of the public is not aware of this emerging field (as compared with other fields
TEAM MEMBERS: Dawn Robles Twin Cities Public Television Jen Helms Michelle Phillips
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Given its ongoing commitment to universal design and the integration of technologies into the museum experience, the Museum of Science decided to employ a handheld Multimedia Tour to accompany Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, an exhibition about the real world meeting Star Wars technologies. With the help of leading tour guide developer, Antenna Audio, a 22-stop tour was produced featuring narration, Behind the Scenes interviews with individuals who had worked on the films, Star Wars film clips, still photos and the ability to send information home. An American Sign Language version
TEAM MEMBERS: Elissa Chin Christine Reich Museum of Science
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The purpose of this front-end evaluation study was to inform design decisions about the development of an interactive learning system focusing on Earth and planetary science. The design team was led by the Institute for Scientific Research (ISR), and the project was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The aim of the Advancing Content Through Interactive Virtual Environments (ACTIVE) Project is to create an interactive learning environment that allows exploration of the solar system through several senses including touch, sound, and sight. Developers will incorporate NASA Earth and
TEAM MEMBERS: Carey Tisdal The West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation
resource evaluation Media and Technology
From January - August 2010, the Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center's (KAYSC) Podcast Crew worked to develop five video podcasts to supplement the Disease Detectives exhibition. Four of these podcasts focused broadly on infectious diseases and one podcast was an overview of the KAYSC. Funded through a SEPA grant from the National Institute of Health, the podcasts were meant to enhance the Disease Detective exhibition experience and make it accessible to youth ages 12-18 by adding a teen voice Evaluation activities associated with the Podcast Crew began January 2010 and were completed September
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Grack Nelson Gayra Ostgaard Science Museum of Minnesota
resource evaluation Media and Technology
User Experience Research Consulting (UXR) conducted a summative evaluation of the NSF-ISE funded project, STEPS (Science Theater Education Programming System). The STEPS project brought together a network of informal science educators and contractors to create an interactive museum theater authoring and presentation system to increase educational capacity for small and large museums across the country. The software package includes an authoring tool for the creation of multimedia science theater productions; a presentation player for displaying the shows to audiences in museum theaters
TEAM MEMBERS: Jes A. Koepfler University of Colorado, Denver
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. conducted a comprehensive multi-method external evaluation of the first season of the Design Squad TV series and outreach initiative. The broad evaluation goals were to: assess the extent to which children's knowledge, interest, and awareness of engineering increased as a result of watching the Design Squad series, document the implementation of community events resulting form the November 2006 Engineering Summit, and assess the effectiveness of the Afterschool Educators Guide with leaders and students.
TEAM MEMBERS: Peggy Vaughan Emilee Pressman Irene Goodman WGBH
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Design Squad, produced by WGBH-Boston (, premiered on the Public Broadcasting Service in October 2009. Design Squad is a reality television series that encourages kids ages 9-12 years to “show off their smarts as they design and build working solutions for real-world clients—people who are hungry for clever ideas from a new generation of innovators.” Each season, the series culminates in a final episode when the top two scorers compete for a $10,000 college scholarship from the Intel Foundation. The underlying educational goals of Design Squad are to: (1) Increase students'
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen Christopher Bransfield WGBH