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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Media and Technology
Knowledge building, as elaborated in this chapter, represents an attempt to refashion education in a fundamental way, so that it becomes a coherent effort to initiate students into a knowledge creating culture. Accordingly, it involves students not only developing knowledge-building competencies but also coming to see themselves and their work as part of the civilization-wide effort to advance knowledge frontiers. In this context, the Internet becomes more than a desktop library and a rapid mail-delivery system. It becomes the first realistic means for students to connect with civilization
TEAM MEMBERS: Marlene Scardamalia Carl Bereiter
resource research Media and Technology
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting held in Washington, DC. It presents the programs in production for Season Three of SciGirls, a series of six episodes following groups of girls and their mentors as they take part in citizen science projects. Season Three is produced in collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Girls Collaborative Project.
TEAM MEMBERS: TPT Twin Cities Public Television Richard Hudson
resource research Media and Technology
This article draws from the literature on self-determination and Universal Design for Learning principles to set forth the theory that students identified as having learning disabilities may be environmentally disadvantaged and their learning difficulties exasperated by the traditional classroom learning environment. Alternatively, the digital learning environment found in simulation video games is designed so participants can be autonomous, self-directed, goal-oriented and successful. These are, coincidentally, the salient features of a technology-enhanced learning environment designed with
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Simpson
resource research Media and Technology
Evidence for the present study derives from a sample of 574 middle-grades students that participated in the River City Project (RCP) in academic year 2006-07. Central to the RCP is an open-ended video-game-like learning innovation for teaching inquiry-based science and twenty-first century skills. Results of investigation into the students' neomillennial learning styles revealed that, on average, students who (1) prefer creating and sharing artifacts through the Internet are well-suited for learning about disease transmission and scientific problem solving skills in the RCP; and (2) students
TEAM MEMBERS: Edward Dieterle
resource research Media and Technology
This paper examines the benefits and obstacles to young people's open-ended and unrestricted access to technological environments. While children and youth are frequently seen as threatened or threatening in this realm, their playful engagements suggest that they are self-possessed social actors, able to negotiate most of its challenges effectively. Whether it is proprietary software, the business practices of some technology providers, or the separation of play, work, and learning in most classrooms, the spatial-temporality of young people's access to and use of technology is often configured
TEAM MEMBERS: Gregory Donovan Cindi Katz
resource research Media and Technology
In 2007, 270 youth (10-15 years of age) participated in our study designed to assess kids' perceptions about using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to explore underwater habitats and how the ROV could facilitate engagement with the environment. The three programs we conducted were vessel-based and integrated an ROV component into existing environmental education programs. Two were conducted in the Chesapeake Bay near Northeast, Maryland, and one was conducted offshore near Fort Pierce, Florida. Using a mixed-methods approach, respondents indicated significantly more positive perceptions than
TEAM MEMBERS: Laurlyn Harmon Mark Gleason
resource research Media and Technology
This article reviews how the relationship between computer games and learning has been conceptualized in policy and academic literature, and proposes a methodology for exploring learning with games that focuses on how games are enacted in social interactions. Drawing on Sutton-Smith's description of the rhetorics of play, it argues that the educational value of games has often been defined in terms of remedying the failures of the education system. This, however, ascribes to games a specific ontology in a popular culture that is defined in terms of its opposition to school culture. By
TEAM MEMBERS: Caroline Pelletier
resource evaluation Media and Technology
This report summarizes findings from an evaluation of the NSF-funded project: Two Eyes, 3D. Through collaborations with two museums, the project sought to develop and test learning outcomes for stereoscopic (3D) resources. More specifically, the external evaluation—conducted by Rockman Et Al—sought to determine the perceived value of using stereoscopic technology within museums and planetariums, uncover best practices for implementation of stereoscopic resources, and further explore best practices for research partnerships within museum settings.
TEAM MEMBERS: American Association of Variable Star Observrs Jennifer Borland
resource research Media and Technology
Virtual communities have been extensively examined -- including their history, how to define them, how to design tools to support them, and how to analyze them. However, most of this research has focused on adult virtual communities, ignoring the unique considerations of virtual communities for children and youth. Young people have personal, social, and cognitive differences from adults. Thus, while some of the existing research into adult virtual communities may be applicable, it lacks a developmental lens. Based on our work of designing and researching virtual worlds for youth, we describe
TEAM MEMBERS: Laura Beals Marina Umaschi Bers
resource research Media and Technology
This article focuses on understanding how games and immersive participatory simulations, with their focus on doing science, are becoming an emerging type of curricula for supporting science education. It discusses the theoretical frameworks positing that knowing is a contextual and participatory act. The context in which one learns any particular content shapes resultant understandings of that content. Moreover, knowledge and skills in science should be established as an inquiry process and that new technologies and design methodologies can facilitate this process.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sasha Barab Chris Dede
resource research Media and Technology
In this article, we describe a preliminary study that integrates research on engineering design activities for K-12 students with work on microworlds as learning tools. Here, we extend these bodies of research by exploring whether - and how - authentic recreations of engineering practices can help students develop conceptual understanding of physics. We focus on the design-build-test (DBT) cycle used by professional engineers in simulation-based rapid modeling. In this experiment, middle-school students worked for 10 hr during a single weekend to solve engineering design challenges using
TEAM MEMBERS: Gina Navoa Svarovsky David Williamson Shaffer
resource research Media and Technology
What are students' mental models of the environment? In what ways, if any, do students' mental models vary by grade level or community setting? These two questions guided the research reported in this article. The Environments Task was administered to students from 25 different teacher-classrooms. The student responses were first inductively analyzed in order to identify students' mental models of the environment. The second phase of analysis involved the statistical testing of the identified mental models. From this analysis four mental models emerged: Model 1, the environment as a place
TEAM MEMBERS: Daniel Shepardson Bryan Wee Michelle Priddy Jon Harbor